Thursday, December 31, 2020

We Shall Soon Find Out What Brexit Means!

 "A new chapter in our national story"

Jessica Parker
BBC political correspondent

 ... Brexit has often caused division – and, at times, political turmoil.
But, after years of heated debate and hard negotiations, the country will soon start to find out what Brexit really means.
Blogger: Is it just me or do I detect a little smack of inappropriate bad grace here? Has dear Jessica not spotted the shedloads of vital trade deals coming in which would, at best in the EU have been unlikely and at worst - impossible? Funny how they weren't mentioned. Odd too that there is no applause for democracy having been enacted or for the fantastic negotiating skills of Lord Frost prompted by the tousle-haired one.
Perhaps she has also forgotten the BBC's incredibly unbalanced reporting and her exclusion of so many Brexiteers when balance was the order of the day for an electorate-sponsored public broadcaster?

Learning From Joseph.