Friday, May 28, 2021

Labour - The Really Nasty Party.


‘Abuse victims should shut their mouths for the good of diversity.’ Anyone remember when Muslim Labour MP, Naz Shah retweeted and ‘liked’ a tweet about girls being raped and groomed by Pakistani grooming gangs?
Voters do.
Anyone remember when Keir Starmer, Lord Adonis and hundreds of Labour MP’s spent three years using every trick possible trying to overturn Brexit? (A vote which in some part was about mass immigration.)
Voters do.
Anyone remember when Keir Starmer and deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner ‘took a knee’ for Black Lives Matter – one of whom had just set fire to the Union Jack on the Cenotaph?
Voters do.
Anyone remember when Lady Nugee, otherwise known as Emily Thornberry, one of Labour’s most prominent front bench members, sneered at ‘White Van man with his St George’s flag hanging outside his modest, modern terrace house?
Voters do.
Pages have been written over the last couple of days analysing why Labour lost not only Hartlepool but over two hundred local election seats to the Conservatives.
Voters are not stupid. They might not read a lot about politics, they might not watch that much news and they might not always vote but they have eyes and ears and they instinctively feel things – and what they instinctively feel is that the Labour party not only does not care about them, but that many actively hate them.
The comments in the Guardian give you a good idea of left wing, Labour thinking. After the result in Hartlepool, the comments were as expected: working class morons who voted Conservative are ‘Gammons’, ‘Stupid’, ‘Ignorant’, ‘Fools’, ‘Racist’, ‘Brexiteers’, or just plain wrong. Comment after comment went on in this abusive vein.
How could the poor, ignorant uneducated white oafs of Hartlepool,(and all the other ‘Red Wall towns’) think that the corrupt, sleezely Tories would help poor areas? Other commentators just said point blank that they did not understand.
Voters understand only too well: Labour represents everyone from anywhere in the world but them. It is not a matter of whether it is Jeremy Corbyn from the socialist / Marxist side of the party or Keir Starmer or Lord Adonis from the Blairite wing – the message is the same – poor, white, working class people do not matter.
It is much more than just being ‘woke’ and it is much more than only appearing to represent rich, urban Marxists and immigrants . Labour is now the morally superior, sneering party and no one wants to be sneered at.

Now That Sounds Like A Plan.

South Dakota may require Louisiana-style Ten Commandments display in public schools. By  Michael Gryboski , Editor Tuesday, January 14, 2025...