Saturday, May 22, 2021

Women's Rights - Updated.

Firstly, let me clarify my position. I am wholly in favour of equality for women.

Throughout my lifetime I have listened to ever more feminist demands and I must wonder, if every one is met, what the subsequent list of demands will entail?

That equality has been abused by the demands for the 'entitlement' to murder the unborn.

There has been much evidence of 'special pleading' - almost all of which has smacked of injustice.

Quotas and so-called 'equality of outcome' have led to situations where the best people are not always chosen in, for example, job promotions. (I myself have once been a victim of such a situation.)

I care not a jot how many women there are in the cabinet - all I care is that the best people are. If that means 20 women to 4 men - so be it.

Rights of fairness and equitable behaviour for men are often damaged in these processes. If a complaint is made about this - how often you get back an anti-man comment such as, "Well men have had it good for centuries. Now it's their turn to be the underdog." These are unhelpful, unjust and demonstrate the malevolent kinds of people we are so often dealing with.

Two wrongs do not make a right and vengeful behaviour is never pretty.

Tragically, in race relations, these are the same attitudes we can oft times see - so typically presented by the self-same people.

Who are these people? - Are they from the left, the right or the centre? - Yes. You are correct.  They do not tend to come from the right or the centre!

Now That Sounds Like A Plan.

South Dakota may require Louisiana-style Ten Commandments display in public schools. By  Michael Gryboski , Editor Tuesday, January 14, 2025...