Thursday, May 20, 2021

Time To Bring Back Hellfire Preaching?

Well - 'friendship evangelism' sure ain't cutting it!

The vast majority of people we encounter daily have not got the slightest clue that their immortal souls are in any sort of peril.
The atheists reject.
The agnostics don't hearken to those very few they meet who are prepared to explain - and probably wouldn't be bovvered to listen, in any case.
Those who state that they 'just believe in God'; 'believe in a God'; 'believe in something greater than themselves' - and even those who merely purport to be Christians are ALL lost.

Folks. This matters. A huge majority do not recognise that they are plummeting towards Hell and the churches seemingly don't care!

We are too concerned: not to give offence; not to put people off; not getting charged with so-called hate crime; not scaring people. THEY NEED SCARING! - Well, what else has worked?

How many so-called christians out there still believe that 'piling up the good deeds so that they outnumber the bad ones' gives them a promise of Heaven?

This is a lost world and the Church is either ignoring this or scratching at the edges.

Have you ever heard a sermon delivered with all of the shackles off which tells the unexpurgated truth about ultimate destinations? - No. I thought not!

Wholly accept God The Son into your life; recognise your sin; repent of it all; undertake to attempt to live a Godly life. There really is no alternative.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...