Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Amnesty - Your Sickening Immorality Makes Me Physically Ill.

The steady erasure of 'women' in the pro-abortion movement.

Lynda Rose   23 October 2021 
(Photo: Unsplash)
The latest report by Amnesty International marks Poland's one year constitutional ruling allowing abortion only in cases of rape, incest, or where the life of the mother is under threat.
If Amnesty's report is to be believed, the ban has created a hostile and dangerous environment that has fatally undermined the rights of "pregnant people" and caused incalculable harm.
The report goes on to explain that women, girls and "all pregnant people" now face extreme barriers to accessing their right to reproductive healthcare. In support of its position, it cites claims from the group Abortion Without Borders, which also helps pregnant "people" procure abortion in European countries where it is currently illegal or highly restricted.
The group states that in the first six months following the ban, it was contacted by 17,000 women in Poland, asking for help. It further claims that it continues to receive around 800 similar calls a month.
Before one reacts with horror at the seeming injustice being done to "pregnant people", a little bit of background is perhaps instructive. First, Amnesty International is a well-known left-wing human rights organization based in London and campaigning, it says, against injustice and equality everywhere. It sees abortion as one such "injustice".
On the page dedicated to abortion on its website, Amnesty states unequivocally that abortion is crucial to the healthcare of "millions of women, girls and others who can become pregnant". As evidence, it cites data showing that one in four estimated pregnancies end in abortion each year, which serves to confirm, it says, the need for maintaining worldwide the rights of all who can become pregnant to safe and legal abortion. From which it follows that governments which restrict abortion are not just putting women, and 'people who can become pregnant' at risk, but are illegitimately infringing their absolute human right to decide whether or not they want to carry their unborn child to term. CT.


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