Thursday, October 21, 2021

Pet Birds In Tiny Cages and Other Stories.

Miniscule bird cages to imprison pets must be made illegal to own and to sell.

I have seen finches/canaries/budgies etc suffering cramped life imprisonment for crimes which do not even exist - such as being pretty or tuneful.
It is a disgrace.
The production of halal meat is horrific.

Large, lonely bunnies in tiny hutches; guinea pigs - a social animal - often kept in solitary confinement and also in minute cages.

We pander to murderers and rapists making their lives comfortable but ignore what happens to innocent pets and the worst excesses where animals for slaughter are concerned.

The animal rights crew go ape over a few foxes which proves that this is political in so many cases - especially when they ignore far greater atrocities.


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