Friday, October 29, 2021

Right To Life UK.

Dear Friends.

I just wanted to update you on an important development.

The Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill has passed Committee Stage at the Northern Ireland Assembly.

An amazing 99.55% of the 9,125 submissions to the Northern Ireland Committee for Health consultation on the Bill supported the proposed law change.

This is another significant milestone in the journey towards ending abortion up to birth for disabilities such as Down’s syndrome, cleft lip and club foot in Northern Ireland.

Thank you to everyone who made a submission to the consultation on the Bill when I made contact earlier in the year asking people to make a submission.

The incredible response to the consultation has sent a very clear message that people with disabilities are equally human and the people of Northern Ireland want the British Government’s disability abortion provision, which directly discriminates against people with disabilities, removed as soon as possible. 

We are not there yet though.

The Bill will now proceed onto Consideration Stage and then has more hurdles to pass before becoming law.

I will be keeping you updated as the Bill progresses and will let you know when you can take further action along the way to help.

We have put more information on this important development in a news article that has just been published on Right To Life News. You can view that by clicking here.

If you have a moment, please do share this news article on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter or other social media channels, to ensure as many people as possible are aware of the Bill and the need for this important change in law.

Many thanks,
Catherine Robinson
Right To Life UK
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