Sunday, October 31, 2021

Thoughtful Comments About Happer's Attacks On 'Noble Lies'.

 Wikipedia alleges:

Contemporary climate change includes both global warming caused by humans, and its impacts on Earth's weather patterns. There have been previous periods of climate change, but the current changes are more rapid than any known events in Earth's history.

William Happer: Noble Lies and the Evil They Allow.

Oct 25, 2021

36.3K subscribers

William Happer, Ph.D., professor emeritus in the Department of Physics at Princeton University and the co-founder of the CO2 Coalition, delivers his keynote address at The Heartland Institute's 14th International Conference on Climate Change. Titled "Noble Lies," Dr. Happer 's address outlines how alarmists have convinced themselves that the "noble lie" of a climate emergency is justified because of the good that taking "climate action" would supposedly do for the planet and society. To the contrary, Dr. Happer explains, allowing "noble lies" has historically led to calamity, injustice, and even great evil.


Leslie Arnott
michael stansfield
This guy has more foresight, brains and manners than the whole of the western world governments. Live long, speak loud
You can sense his despair. Brilliant talk
Erl Happ
Straight talk. Erudite, invigorating by one who is in the best sense, as the Japanese say, a Living National Treasure.
Even my 11 year old spotted the flaw in bringing CO2 to zero...he said 'but plants and trees live on CO2'!
The best argument against "CO2 control knob" hypothesis is that a strong positive feedback is extremely unusual in nature. Such systems are inherently unstable, so the chance of finding any system like that is minuscule. In other words, if any disturbance is amplified, than it would have been amplified long time ago, and we wouldn't be able to observe it happening. (The obvious silliness that we are asked to simultaneously maintain in our mind, is that the past climate was very stable. So it's both inherently unstable and perfectly stable. That's so silly, that only an intellectual could possibly believe in it.)
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Huw Thomas
Legend, keep the message coming.
Philosophical Tool
Happer is such a dude! <3
Dick Hanton
How do you reach the sheep who follew the anointed shepards!
Ned Walport
The Wikipedia link needs to be flagged for false information.
Great person -- great talk.
Europa Europa
Prof Happer is being very generous when he says at most 1 C for doubling of CO2 PPM.
Craig-Michael Kierce
I have seen more than a few videos with William Happer as the only speaker, and quite a few where he spoke as part of a panel...all of them, most enlightening. Well, I did view one vid of his which was, for me, so technical, that it was beyond my ken. However, that is not the case here, where his great ability to weave a story for his listeners was spot on. God bless Mr. Happer and his family. We need a lot more great minds like his...
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My favorite talk yet!
Snoopy Dunworkin
What a shame the ideologues wont listen to these very experienced and wise men.
Climate Emergency? lol. Coastal real estate values higher than ever, as Obama buys a 12 million dollar beach front home on Martha's Vineyard.
alan g k
Far better than the Glasgow FLOP 26.
Norman Hosford
Why the Noble lie is necessary: Reason 1. Fossil fuels are too valuable to burn for fuel. Our descendants will need oil for chemical feed stock. We assume fuel consumption won't decrease enough even with the economic pressure of growing scarcity, and we assume nobody will be smart enough to create new chemistry without cheap chemical feed stock. We need to scare people into conserving fuel by inventing a CO2 catastrophic global warming scare. As a bonus, we can get rich off of government subsidies paid for by our less farsighted neighbors . Reason 2. Increased CO2 will increase the world's food supply and its population. That is bad because there are too many people already. We and our elite friends need to reduce world population. The most practical method is to reduce the food supply by reducing the CO2 and by introducing world socialism to reduce global economic efficiency.
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Leta Voss
A well intentioned fool is still a fool
B Bates
The is no climate crisis, but there is an energy crisis that is leading to poverty and famine throughout the planet.


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