Saturday, November 06, 2021


Informational New Website Launched
CO2 Coalition unveils new website (

We are proud to announce that the CO2 Coalition has launched a new website that provides the facts concerning the many benefits of increasing carbon dioxide and modest warming. With the information provided here, you can arm yourself with the data that dispute the misleading media-driven narrative of a man-made looming climate apocalypse.

More than 50 (and growing) pertinent facts about our changing climate and the many benefits that are accruing to humanity are revealed here. Each fact is fully sourced and referenced.

These easily understandable charts are provided in a manner that allows the user to readily download for sharing on social media or for creating your own presentations.

Take the climate quiz. How much do you know about our changing climate?
Quote of the week:

"That mankind is capable of affecting the climate is trivially true and numerically insignificant."

Richard Lindzen
Please support our mission

The CO2 Coalition is the nation’s leading organization providing facts, resources and information about the vital role carbon dioxide plays in our environment. Would you like to support this important mission?

Please help us to advance our cause with a tax-deductible contribution. You can send a check to:

CO2 Coalition
1621 North Kent Street, Suite 603
Arlington, Virginia 22209 or donate on-line here
Gregory Wrightstone

Executive Director - CO2 Coalition

Donald Trump's Promises.

                                   WOW!              (Compare to our feeble, insipid PM.)