Have you ever received a card that meant a lot to you? Maybe it was someone remembering your birthday, thinking of you in hard times, or just a simple word of encouragement. Now imagine you’re living in a country where it’s very difficult to live out your faith. You’re worn out by years of harassment, violence or even imprisonment, and then you receive a letter. How would it feel to know that someone on the other side of the world – someone you’d never even met – had heard your story and reached out with a message of hope? That’s the powerful encouragement your words can bring to someone facing injustice for their beliefs. And for someone unjustly in prison, your words can be particularly powerful. In the past, we’ve seen prisoners receiving better treatment or even Bibles because the authorities realise that the world is watching. Connect & Encourage is an address book of people who are in need of support and have asked to receive your cards and letters. It has all the details you need to send a card, including letter templates and writing tips. To make sure your letter arrives in time for Christmas, here are the last posting dates for 2021:
Thank you so much for using your voice to bring hope this Christmas. Blessings, |