Saturday, November 13, 2021

From One of My Oldest Friends - A TOP Man In His Field.

I forgot to say – I read somewhere that BBC and Sky News have mandated that no mention of the alternate view to the climate “emergency/crisis/existential threat” is to be made. That is why you will never see a debate.
It is very disturbing.  As a scientist myself, I have yet to see ANY scientific evidence that climate change is solely the result of man, as is being claimed.  Indeed, that view is contrary to the evidence that we, as earth scientists, have at hand. What is more disturbing is that people making these outrageous claims of man’s cause of climate change are doing so on the basis of some predictive future models of what the temperature is going to be.  We have evidence that the past does live up to these predictive models, eg Maldives is still a holiday destination etc.  [Irony?] In addition, the evidence is not in the data that extreme weather events are on the rise.  Indeed, much of the data show that they are decreasing. It is scaremongering, pure and simple and part of the Action Plan to create a left wing New World Order that does not base itself on human reality but ideology instead. It is corrupt and suits no-one, including the Earth.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...