Wednesday, November 17, 2021

One of The Many Verses We Are Supposed To Ignore?

Blogger: so when did you last hear a sermon on this topic?

How about 'the justice of God' which was not twisted into a some sort of socialist diatribe?

Well then. When did you last hear a preach on the righteousness of God?

God's love and mercy? - Well, of course - but the 'God package' is ne'er so scant.

There is a reckoning and the judgement of God is part of this.

There is zero evidence for any sort of universal salvation as preached or assumed by many - and most noticeably seen so ridiculously often at funerals.

If your church does not preach about sin and hell - at least occasionally - there is something very wrong. If people hear the word 'salvation' but have no idea what they might be being saved from (possibly the most important word of all for the human race) then your church is failing in its duty to preach the gospel.

The gospel is the 'good news' that, although there is both judgement and hell, we are not forced to suffer such.

Without understanding what the blood of Jesus is and does - salvation becomes nigh on impossible. 

What of those churches which brush the word 'repentance' under the carpet and hope that all of these concepts will magically enter human souls by some sort of osmosis?

Has your church 'forgotten' that there will be a Second Coming of the Christ?

Does your church give teaching on the right and wrong uses of sex? Is your church lax on divorce and fornication?

The idea that 'God is love' is critical and spot on, of course, but is not a concept which can be taken in isolation.

Get real and insist that your church does the same! We must not be scared to preach a full gospel.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...