Monday, January 31, 2022

Interesting New Film?

Don't Look Up: prophetic or pathetic?

David Robertson   19 January 2022 
*Spoiler alert: This article contains details of the plot and ending to the movie 'Don't Look Up'.*
There was a time when comedians got lots of laughs mocking the religious eccentrics who stood at street corners with sandwich boards proclaiming 'the end of the world is nigh'. Not anymore.
Now such catastrophism has gone mainstream – or at least Hollywood. It's not just the end of the world disaster movies – but the fact that we are supposed to take them seriously. Hollywood is preaching to us – with all the subtilty of a flying mallet.
Netflix's latest 'blockbuster' movie is a prime example. Don't Look Up, despite being a flop in cinemas, is one of the most viewed films on Netflix andhas been garnering a lot of column inches in the press.
Sadly reviews, like so much else in our society, have been politicised. If you agree with the point being made in the film/sermon, then you will love it. If you disagree then you will hate it. But Don't Look Up is also fascinating from a Christian perspective.
Let's start with the good. This is a well-made movie, with some decent performances from Leonardo DiCaprio as the scientist who can save the world, and Meryl Streep as the Trumpesque President who dooms it. It is meant to be humorous and sometimes it is.
There are also interesting if exaggerated perspectives on the role of celebrity media, big tech and the human propensity in the face of disaster to ignore reality and turn to false idols instead.
From a Christian perspective there is one scene in which, without a hint of satire, the doomed humans turn to prayer. The troubled teen who was 'raised evangelical, but found his own way' volunteers to pray as the world is about to end. It is far too beautiful a prayer for such a satirical and dumbed down movie.
Because despite the good, this is one of the dumbest and most inane films I have seen in a long time. Don't Look Up reminds me of the worst kind of Christian movie, where the actors seem to be deliberately ham acting the most cliched Christian characters they can find, and the plot reads as though it came from a Jehovah's Witness children's magazine!
It would be difficult for me to spoil the plot, because if you haven't gathered what the whole film sermon is about after five minutes, I despair. But if you want to put yourself through the two hours and 25 minutes of torment, don't read the next few paragraphs.
The simple plot is that Earth is threatened by an approaching comet which two scientists try to warn the US president about. The president is more concerned about her poll ratings and seeks to deflect away from the approaching reality.
Evil money grabbing capitalists (including a big tech zillionaire) see the comet as an opportunity to do some mining for precious minerals; ordinary people are more interested in celebrity gossip on their mobile phones; TV hosts are dumbed down, inane and self-obsessed; the FBI are clowns; and we even have a racist, homophobic space pilot.
Of course, the earth is destroyed – but at least 2,000 people escape and take a 27,000-year flight to another planet, where, as the elect emerge from their cryogenic sleep, naked into their new paradise, the president is eaten by a dinosaur.
The purpose of the sermon is clear. Adam McKay, the writer, director and producer leaves us in no doubt: "This movie came from my burgeoning terror about the climate crisis and the fact that we live in a society that tends to place it as the fourth or fifth news story, or in some cases even deny that it's happening, and how horrifying that is, but at the same time preposterously funny."
The entertainment value, acting, cinematography is one issue. But what is most revealing about Don't Look Up is what it tells you about the values of the media elites in our culture – and they don't get much more corporate elitist than Netflix - and how they see the whole world through the narrow confines of US politics.
The basic premise of what is, to put it mildly, a smug, morally and intellectually infantile script, is that the elites don't listen to the apocalyptic warnings – and that the dumbed down populace just follow them. But in the real-world environmental activists have been warning about the imminent end of the world for all of my life.
We were told for example that all the Artic ice would be gone by 2015, and Prince Charles (hardly the non-conformist 'ordinary' scientist) told us in 2009 that we only had eight years to save the planet.
Every time one of the 'end of the world is nigh' prophets opens their mouth, they are given endless publicity by media and politicians alike. In other words, the film's premise is based on a big lie - or perhaps a delusion, given that the Hollywood elites do really seem to see themselves as oppressed truthtellers with little or no power!
What is also clear from the movie is that our elites regard working class people as uneducated, simplistic, pleasure-seeking 'deplorables'. The irony is that many university educated (indoctrinated?) will see this film as a prophetic work of genius – whilst most working-class people will see it as the smug sermon against them which it undoubtedly is.
The attempt to blame all the evils of the world – including the sin of 'climate denialism' - on Donald Trump, and those who supported him is as prejudiced and ignorant as the caricature of ordinary people it attempts to portray.
Then there is the not-so-subtle message that we really need to trust 'the science'. The only people in the satirical world of Don't Look Up who can be trusted are the 'real' scientists. The trouble is that when you adopt the belief that there is something called 'the science', then you end up negating science by pronouncing those who don't share your conclusions as obviously not being 'real' scientists.
The genius of science as a working methodology is that it can be falsified. Once you pronounce your views as de facto unfalsifiable, then you have moved beyond science into the realms of ideology.
The hypocrisy is breathtaking. Leonardo DiCaprio is a UN Climate Change ambassador who was photographed sunning himself on a £100 million superyacht which burns up more carbon in one week than most of us would use in one year. It's like the preacher making a series about the necessity of sexual purity while having an affair with his secretary!
The film, made by one of the largest capitalist corporations in the world, suggests that it is the capitalist corporates who want to ignore the reality so that they can make money. Whereas in the real world, it is largely the corporates who are demanding that climate change be dealt with – and that they get paid to do the dealing. There is a lot of green money to be made.
The Christian Perspective?
One Christian commentator sees Don't Look Up as a commentary on the government's response to Covid – which just goes to show that in the post-modern world we can make things mean whatever we want them to.
Don't Look Up is a good old fashioned, modernist film – with a clear moralistic message. The trouble is that it is the wrong message. At one point in the film, we are told that the end of the world is too serious to be joked about – in a film that is largely a joke.
But it does at least get this right: human beings do need to look up but not to see some approaching comet or end of the world climate catastrophism. We need to look up to see the God who has the whole world in his hands and that the present heavens and earth are 'being kept for the day of judgement and destruction of the ungodly' (2 Peter 3:7).
The end of the world is not nigh yet because the Lord is giving humanity a chance to repent and turn to him. It's not that we shouldn't be concerned about the environment (precisely the opposite). But we are not to look to ourselves for salvation.
Whether it's nuclear bombs diverting comets, or mega corporations building windmills, we cannot save ourselves or the planet. But we should look up to the One who can. In this regard the prayer prayed by the troubled ex-evangelical teen is a great one for us and our leaders to pray. The only difference is that, unlike Mr McKay, we are praying to the God who is the hearer and answerer of prayer. And who can, and does, act.
'Dearest Father, almighty Creator. We ask for your grace tonight, despite our pride. Your forgiveness, despite our doubt. Most of all Lord we ask for your love to soothe us through these dark times. May we face whatever is to come in your divine will with courage and open hearts of acceptance. Amen.'
David Robertson works as an evangelist with churches in Sydney, Australia, where he runs the ASK Project. He blogs at The Wee Flea. CT.

Die Laughing?



Lean on The Lord.



Yes, But It IS Welby!

Your net zero push could force churches to close or leave our parishioners shivering, Welby is warned

Worried clergy say new rules on boilers would hit rural churches hardest and could bankrupt struggling parishes.

Big Article in The Guardian: Small Article in The Guardian.

 Big article: "Woe, woe, woe. We must make our prisons nicer."

Small article: "Two stabbed to death in Doncaster town centre."


Sunday, January 30, 2022


Religious freedom violations persist in Iran.

Staff writer   26 January 2022 
(Photo: Getty/iStock)
Christians continue to suffer as a result of widespread religious freedom abuses in Iran, human rights organisations have warned. 
new joint report by Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Article 18, Middle East Concern and Open Doors International found that violations persisted in Iran in 2021, with at least 59 Christians arrested over the course of the year.
Thirty Christians endured some form of imprisonment last year while 34 were detained by the authorities. 
At least 209 individuals were affected by judicial rulings, 35 of whom reported "intense psychological torture".
The actual numbers are likely to be higher as many cases go unreported "either because no-one raises awareness — arresting authorities frequently issue threats to prevent publicity — or because those involved request confidentiality", the organisations warned. 
The report notes some positive developments. In November, the Supreme Court said that the prison sentences of nine converts should be reviewed because "promoting Christianity and 'Zionist evangelism' in private homes is not an example of gathering and collusion against internal or external security as decided in the original verdict".
"According to this decree, house-church activities and the promotion even of the pejoratively termed 'Zionist' Christianity are not crimes," the report said.
"It remains to be seen how this ruling will be applied by the Revolutionary courts, but the Christians have at least since been released while their cases are reviewed."
In another positive development, officials in the western city of Dezful decided not to press charges against eight Christian converts on the grounds that although apostasy is a crime under Sharia, it is not an offence according to the laws of Iran.
Despite these positive developments, the report warned of "inconsistencies" in the Iranian judicial system after the Supreme Court rejected the appeal of a Christian couple sentenced to 10 years in prison over their involvement in a house church.
"The differing decisions highlight the inconsistencies that plague the judicial system in Iran and suggest that favourable rulings reflect the views of individual judges rather than systemic improvements at the heart of the judiciary," the report said. 
Recommendations in the report include a call to the Iranian government to uphold freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) for all citizens, and the release of Christians detained on "spurious charges" relating to their faith or religious activities. 
The report also calls for an end to the criminalisation of house church organisation and membership, and asks the international community to hold Iran accountable on FoRB by raising the issue during political and trade discussions involving the country. 
CSW's Founder President Mervyn Thomas said: "Once again, this report provides an important reminder of the continuing violations faced by Christians in Iran.
"We urge the Iranian government to take heed of its recommendations and to end what amounts to the criminalisation of the practice of a religion the Iranian constitution claims to recognise.
"We also call for the government to ensure that all citizens, including members of the Baha'i, Gonabadi Dervishe, Humanist and Sunni communities, are free to enjoy the full right to freedom of religion or belief as articulated in Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Iran is a signatory." CT.

Ah. Hurricanes, You Say?


Obviously it’s a bit of a cheat when a newspaper explains snow in the Sahara . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . by invoking warming, renamed “climate change” so it can mean anything or nothing. But the idea is that the weather is getting weirder and worse, and it must be our fault because otherwise it wouldn’t be. Which brings us to hurricanes… though not them to us. Back in late November NBC allowed that “There was a collective sigh of relief Tuesday as the Atlantic hurricane season officially came to an end.” The reason they gave was that “This year was the sixth straight with an above-average hurricane season” so thank heavens that’s over, as the man said as he staggered off the golf course after playing worse than usual as always. But in point of fact, says Bjorn Lomborg, “Hurricanes in 2021 were unprecedented — as in unprecedentedly few/ Globally, 2021 had the fewest hurricanes ever in the satellite era (1980-2021)/ Did you see that reported anywhere?” To borrow G.K. Chesterton’s line about the Frenchman asked if he’d had lunch on the boat, “Au contraire.”

There Is No Justice In The UK.

Alan Carr's drink-driving husband Paul Drayton, 50, sobs as he is FREED from prison for smashing into police car while four times over the limit after winning appeal against 14-week sentence

  • Paul Drayton, 50, freed from jail after winning an appeal over 14-week sentence
  • The actor was warned it was a 'miracle' no one was killed during his drink drive
  • Drayton had reversed into police car, narrowly missing mother pushing a pram



Lose The Burdens.

Why Are Energy Prices Rocketing?

A complex question, indeed, but let us not forget the 'Green Agenda' of all our main political parties! It certainly IS Boris - but he is far from alone and in solid leftist company!

Blogger: it wouldn't be unreasonable if the whole thing were not one giant fraud!
This Blog will continue to bring you regular information from REAL scientists to debunk this whole expensive myth.

This Blog Predicts A Sharp Rise In Road Deaths.


Blogger: it seems to me that, although there are some tolerable changes, the main thrust has been simply to have a rather petty go at the motorist.
What is suggested is inevitably going to delay the progress of all traffic - thus causing ever greater pollution levels.

We are already being treated to appalling attitudes from a significant percentage of cyclists on the roads without granting them even more powers.
Anybody, who like me, walks regularly on paths used by both cyclists and pedestrians will already be aware how appalling so many cyclists can be. I feel that my safety is seriously endangered by reckless and inconsiderate riding at least three or four times a year - every year.

Maybe making road cyclists take a test before being allowed onto the roads is the only way this might work. They should also be forced to take out third party insurance to protect other road users. Helmets MUST be compulsory as with motor cycles.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Worst Place on The Planet For Christians? (Thanks, Mr Biden!)


Afghanistan replaces North Korea as most dangerous place to be a Christian

Afghanistan has topped the Open Doors 2022 World Watch List of the 50 countries where Christians face the worst persecution. CT.

Most Interesting.

Not Too Many of These In Our Back Garden.





Wake Up! - The Church Is Under Huge Attack From Without and Tragically - From Within.

Church's reputation is 'under threat' from negative media coverage

Staff writer   27 January 2022 

(Photo: Getty/iStock)

A "plethora" of negative news stories is threatening to undermine the good being done by churches across the country.
The warning comes after research by PR agency Jersey Road found that an average of 150 pieces of negative media coverage are being published each month about the Church.
Kantar monitored media coverage of the Church over a period of three months starting from September 2021.
During this time, it found 460 separate pieces of negative coverage across online and print media. 
More than half of these (271) related to historic child abuse. Others covered bullying, controversial comments, and the Liverpool suicide bomber's church connections.
Jersey Road PR warned that the scale of negative media coverage is leaving the Church's reputation "under threat". 
Jersey Road founder and former church pastor Gareth Russell said: "The sheer volume of negative media coverage about churches in the UK is sad but not surprising."
Jersey Road's crisis communications lead, Sarann Buckby, said: "It's important that the Church recognises and owns its mistakes and it's terrible that this is one of the biggest stories about the Church in the news today – the plethora of negative stories undermines the myriad of good news stories we have to tell.
"From politics to high profile public figures, the headlines today are dominated by crisis, and the public want leaders who have the courage to be accountable.
"Too often in the past churches have failed to act and respond well to allegations of abuse, with devastating impact on both the lives of survivors and the reputation of the Church."
In response to the findings, Jersey Road has launched a crisis communications course for churches that offers practical guidance on how to prepare for, prevent and respond to a PR crisis. 
Russell said, "The number one reason church leaders come to us for help is that they're facing a media crisis, which can cause untold damage both to those involved and to the mission of the church.
"But there is hope, if they prepare for and respond to the crisis well — or better yet take preventative steps to stop it escalating into a crisis."
Buckby added, "We have seen encouraging signs in some of the recent stories, with churches apologising for failures and taking restorative action.
"It's crucial for the future mission of the Church that leaders proactively do the right thing and respond to a media crisis with transparency, integrity and compassion – both in public and behind closed doors." CT.

The Truth Equates To 'Intolerance', Apparently!

 An Employment Tribunal has refused to strike out a claim of a Christian electrician who says he was discriminated for his opposition to “the growing influence of Islam in Britain and other countries” and to “inclusivity and positive action in favour of non-Christian faiths, minority sexual orientations, and transgenderism”.

Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Brian Walker, 66, claims he was forced out of his job at the North Bristol NHS Trust for his “conservative Christian beliefs”, including his opposition to Islam, multi-culturalism, and same-sex marriage.
At a hearing on 30 November, the Trust’s lawyers asked the Tribunal to strike out his case on the grounds that his beliefs are “not worthy of respect in a democratic society” and should not be protected by the Equality Act. Barrister Christopher Milsom argued that Mr Walker’s statement “I believe Christianity to be the only true way to God, and I do not want people to harm their souls by believing Islam instead” proved the extreme intolerance of his beliefs.

Tugendhat: Fair and Balanced Piece in The Guardian. (Yes. I was shocked too!)

Friday, January 28, 2022

Non-Christianity Ensconced Within Real Christianity.

Support for conversion therapy bans are revealing the divide between two different Christianities.

Jayne Ozanne (c) and Peter Lynas (r) debating conversion therapy bans on Premier's Unbelievable?, hosted by Justin Brierley (l).(Photo: YouTube/Premier)

One of the most influential books in the 20th Century Church was J Gresham Machen's Christianity and Liberalism. Machen was prophetic in his analysis of the crisis facing the Church in the US in the first half of the century – some would argue that it was because of his (and others') stance that the US Church did not go down the path of decline that Churches in most other Western countries did.

In his prophetic book he warned: "A terrible crisis unquestionably has arisen in the Church. In the ministry of evangelical churches are to be found hosts of those who reject the gospel of Christ. By the equivocal use of traditional phrases, by the representation of differences of opinion as though they were only differences about the interpretation of the Bible, entrance into the Church was secured for those who are hostile to the very foundations of the faith."

These words came to mind as I listened to the latest debate on conversion therapy on Premier's Unbelievable, between Jayne Ozanne, the chair of Ban Conversion Therapy, and Peter Lynas of the Evangelical Alliance. Ozanne is, like Steve Chalke, a former evangelical who has a significant voice in the Anglican church and beyond.

As I listened to the somewhat (one-sided) heated discussion, I realised that this was not just a disagreement between two different versions of Christianity, but a disagreement between two different Christianities - which is why there was no possibility of agreement.

Francis Schaeffer, another prophetic writer who saw what was coming down the road, argued in The God Who Is There, that a new theology conditioned by modernistic and post modernistic would infiltrate the Church and create chaos.

He said that this new theology would have certain advantages because "the undefined connotation words that the new theology uses are deeply rooted in our Western culture. This is much easier and more powerful than using new and untraditional words."

Ozanne used Christian words, but within progressive ideology they have radically different meanings:


Ozanne told us, "God is love, anything that harms a child or adult goes against that." But she never defines what love is. It's so easy to say 'love is love', but without definition, that statement is completely vacuous.

The Bible on the other hand makes it explicitly clear. 1 John 4:10 says, "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."

Furthermore, our love is also clearly defined: "This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome" (1 John 5:2-3).

When people reject the commands of God, they are being the opposite of loving.


Ozanne kept accusing Peter and the EA of causing harm. Helen Joyce in her book Trans lays out how accusations of harm are used by trans activists to emotionally bully people into accepting their agenda. It always ends up with accusing those who disagree with them of causing suicide. Yet there is no evidence that the teaching of Jesus is the cause of suicide.

But Ozanne went further: "There is no evidence of Jesus teaching something that is going to cause people harm."

I would have thought that most modern people would regard telling people to pluck out their eye if it is going to cause them to sin; to let the dead bury their dead; to hate their own father and mother; and to cast people into Hell as somewhat harmful! Perhaps Ozanne should heed his warning in Matthew 18:6 about those who cause people to stumble?

Because the harm mantra works both ways. Ozanne cited surveys her organisation has carried out seeking to show that biblical teaching has caused harm. But I can equally cite many examples of Ozanne's type of teaching which has caused incredible harm. I think of the vulnerable young man who was told he was unhappy because he was gay and went on to a disastrous and harmful lifestyle. Or the young girl who was told the same because she was supposedly trapped in the wrong body.

I think of the countless millions whose eternal souls have been harmed by a perverted and distorted teaching of the Gospel - which brings us on to the Gospel.

3.The Gospel

What is the good news? According to Ozanne there must be no attempt to change, suppress or cure. This is a long way from the teaching of Jesus that unless we change to the extent that we are born again we will not even see the Kingdom of God (John 3).

And it's a long way from the teaching of Paul that radical change – washing, sanctification, justification in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God (1 Corinthians 6:11) - is needed.

The list he gives of things that need changed includes homosexual practice, adultery and sexual immorality as well as many others.

But Ozanne says that "anything that is done that seeks to change, cure or suppress someone's sexual orientation or gender identity" is harmful and should be made illegal.

In wanting to ban conversion therapy, Ozanne is not just talking about unbiblical and sinful coercion and manipulation, which Peter also rightly condemned. She is talking about banning conversion.

Yet the Gospel is not that God 'accepts people as they are'. The Gospel involves radical repentance and change. The 'progressive' Gospel involves no change, no curing of our sinful hearts, and no suppression of evil within us. Instead, we become as God.

The new 'progressive Christianity', which is in reality a regression to a pagan Gnosticism which uses the words of Christianity, also has other characteristics apart from the misuse of language.

4.The misuse of history

Ozanne announced that, "The teaching on marriage is only a couple of hundred years old and you need to do your homework on that."

What is breathtaking in this is the rewriting of history to suit the narrative of the present. Anyone who reads the New Testament, the early Church Fathers, the medieval Catholic theologians, the Reformers etc would not find any substantive difference in the teaching about marriage as being between a man and a woman.

5.The irrationality

There was one point where Lynas was absolutely flummoxed, not because he didn't understand, but because he did. Ozanne had spent much of the discussion talking about "teaching which causes a huge amount of harm" and advocating that what is harmful should be banned. But she then denied that the teaching should be banned – only prayer!

It was almost amusing to hear Ozanne argue that Lynas was in a "coercive bubble" while at the same time threatening the law against those who don't fit in with her particular bubble! It's hard to get more coercive than 'do what we say or you are going to jail'! Which brings us on to the final trait.

6.The intolerance

Ozanne told us that we can't consent to abuse. But then the power lies with those who get to define what abuse is. Besides which of course we can consent to abuse – unless Ozanne is suggesting that prostitution, sadomasochism and pornography are not abuse? If they are does she want them banned as well? What about banning the abuse of abortion? If you automatically define that which you disagree with as 'abuse', then you get to be both intolerant and virtuous in your own eyes!

This intolerance is first of all fed by emotive and misleading language, and applies to those gay Christians who do not accept Ozanne's particular interpretation – people like Jackie Hill Perry, David Bennett, Rosario Butterfield, Ed Shaw, Sam Alberry etc, who are dismissed with contempt.

Then come the threats. If you do not accept our doctrine we will 'continue to hold you before the law'. The charge of spiritual abuse was repeated again and again. I wrote about the danger of this being misused to attack those who reject the new Progressive religion.

Ozanne is quite clear that she is prepared to use state political power to enforce the Church to accept her doctrines. Repentance must be enforced through the civil law - or else we face the prospect of jail. The irony of this taking place in a week when a Finnish politician is facing the possibility of two years in jail for citing Romans 1 to her own Church is unbelievable.

Canada and the Australian State of Victoria have both passed law so draconian that not only pastors, but parents and teachers could find themselves jailed for upholding the standards of Christ – even to their own children!

While Lynas pointed out that this would be against the European Convention on Human Rights, Ozanne defended it and stated that there could be no ground for informed consent when the cost of not consenting is so high – while at the same time insisting that all of us must consent to her doctrines or face state prosecution!


Perhaps we should conclude with some agreement. We are all agreed that coercive 'conversion therapy' is wrong. I also agree with Ozanne when she warns that "God will have something very hard to say to us if we refuse to hear the voices of those calling out to us".

Indeed he will. But he will have even more to say to us if we refuse to hear his voice.

"Nevertheless I have this against you: you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling" (Revelation 2:20-21).

When someone wants to 'celebrate' what God has condemned we have turned against Christ.

I also agree with Ozanne that the Christianity she is teaching, and the Christianity represented by Lynas and the Evangelical Alliance (and I should also add many Catholic, Reformed and Orthodox churches i.e. historical confessional Christianity) are two different religions.

Machen would also have concurred:

"It is no wonder, then, that liberalism is totally different from Christianity, for the foundation is different. Christianity is founded upon the Bible. It bases upon the Bible both its thinking and its life. Liberalism on the other hand is founded upon the shifting emotions of sinful men" (Machen, Christianity and Liberalism).

The crossroads that the Western Church faces today is the question of: which God will we serve? As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).



Restoration To Health.


“We were prepared for the storm,’ where a few inches of snow were predicted, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, said in a call with reporters Tuesday afternoon. ‘Instead Mother Nature sent more than a foot.’”

Apparently, the Virginia MET Office cannot predict snowfall to within a foot a few days in advance, but the UK MET Office can predict what will happen in 80 years-time. Unamused

Blogger: the MET Office can't get the weather right when it's actually happening. (A common phenomenon noted by one who 'relies' on weather forecasts for daily walks!)

Glacial Stability? Noooo! It Can't Be True. That Might Well Mean ...

Success MUST Be Claimed For Referral Orders By Do-Gooders - In Spite of Abundant Evidence To The Contrary.

 The published data shows referral orders as 'consistently more effective' than other sentences, in that young people given a referral order are less likely to reoffend than those given other types of sentence.

Blogger: note the relative nature of the nonsensical claim above!
There are ZERO punitive or retributive or deterrent elements for the vast majority of youth offenders - some may argue all.
As there are no consequences of consequence and typically - negotiated 'contracts' only - it is not surprising how many youngsters see NO reason whatsoever to change behaviour.
How would I know?
I have seen criminal records in abundance over a number of years. How many young wrongdoers have records of referral orders on top of referral orders added to non-sentences.
Young offenders become hardened as non-sentencing kicks in.

The word 'deterrent' was invented for a reason.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Only 49 More States To Go + The UK +++

Federal appeals court keeps Texas abortion ban in place.

Michael Gryboski   19 January 2022 
A pro-choice demonstrator stands outside the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. on Dec. 1, 2021.(Photo: The Christian Post/Nicole Alcindor)
(CP) A federal appeals court has kept Texas' heartbeat abortion ban in place and sent the lawsuit against the legislation to the Republican-controlled state supreme court, a move celebrated by pro-life activists and opposed by abortion-rights proponents.
A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit ruled 2-1 on Monday to send abortion clinics' challenge against the Texas Heartbeat Act passed last year to the Texas Supreme Court, which will likely allow the law to remain in effect for months before a ruling is handed down.
Circuit Judge Edith H. Jones, a Reagan appointee, authored the majority opinion stating that "the federal courts are bound by an authoritative determination of state law by the state's highest court." CT.



Climate Change - The Truth!


We cannot help feeling flattered that the mighty fact-checkers at AFP have come after us because “A video viewed tens of thousands of times on social media claims that satellite data showed no net global warming for the past seven years”, which they admit is true then X out lest it lead to unauthorized thoughts. Fact-checked for telling no lies. We made the big time. Now if we could just get Greta Thunberg to denounce us for telling inconvenient truths.



Obviously it’s a bit of a cheat when a newspaper explains snow in the Sahara . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . by invoking warming, renamed “climate change” so it can mean anything or nothing. But the idea is that the weather is getting weirder and worse, and it must be our fault because otherwise it wouldn’t be. Which brings us to hurricanes… though not them to us. Back in late November NBC allowed that “There was a collective sigh of relief Tuesday as the Atlantic hurricane season officially came to an end.” The reason they gave was that “This year was the sixth straight with an above-average hurricane season” so thank heavens that’s over, as the man said as he staggered off the golf course after playing worse than usual as always. But in point of fact, says Bjorn Lomborg, “Hurricanes in 2021 were unprecedented — as in unprecedentedly few/ Globally, 2021 had the fewest hurricanes ever in the satellite era (1980-2021)/ Did you see that reported anywhere?” To borrow G.K. Chesterton’s line about the Frenchman asked if he’d had lunch on the boat, “Au contraire.”



“We were prepared for the storm,’ where a few inches of snow were predicted, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, said in a call with reporters Tuesday afternoon. ‘Instead Mother Nature sent more than a foot.’”

Apparently, the Virginia MET Office cannot predict snowfall to within a foot a few days in advance, but the UK MET Office can predict what will happen in 80 years-time.



