Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Truth Equates To 'Intolerance', Apparently!

 An Employment Tribunal has refused to strike out a claim of a Christian electrician who says he was discriminated for his opposition to “the growing influence of Islam in Britain and other countries” and to “inclusivity and positive action in favour of non-Christian faiths, minority sexual orientations, and transgenderism”.

Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Brian Walker, 66, claims he was forced out of his job at the North Bristol NHS Trust for his “conservative Christian beliefs”, including his opposition to Islam, multi-culturalism, and same-sex marriage.
At a hearing on 30 November, the Trust’s lawyers asked the Tribunal to strike out his case on the grounds that his beliefs are “not worthy of respect in a democratic society” and should not be protected by the Equality Act. Barrister Christopher Milsom argued that Mr Walker’s statement “I believe Christianity to be the only true way to God, and I do not want people to harm their souls by believing Islam instead” proved the extreme intolerance of his beliefs.

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.