Friday, January 28, 2022

Success MUST Be Claimed For Referral Orders By Do-Gooders - In Spite of Abundant Evidence To The Contrary.

 The published data shows referral orders as 'consistently more effective' than other sentences, in that young people given a referral order are less likely to reoffend than those given other types of sentence.

Blogger: note the relative nature of the nonsensical claim above!
There are ZERO punitive or retributive or deterrent elements for the vast majority of youth offenders - some may argue all.
As there are no consequences of consequence and typically - negotiated 'contracts' only - it is not surprising how many youngsters see NO reason whatsoever to change behaviour.
How would I know?
I have seen criminal records in abundance over a number of years. How many young wrongdoers have records of referral orders on top of referral orders added to non-sentences.
Young offenders become hardened as non-sentencing kicks in.

The word 'deterrent' was invented for a reason.

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.