Saturday, August 20, 2022

Oh, Yes Please.


There is a growing belief among ministers that riders should abide by the same speed restrictions and other road rules as motorists, particularly in slower 20mph zones, amid a cycling boom. Mail.

Blogger: and what about E.scooters, motorised skate boards etc? People younger than me (!) in motorised invalid carriages are zooming past at speeds well in excess of 20mph on local footpaths! They terrify me.
What about warning systems for pedestrians as speed merchants silently approach? Proper bells on bikes which ring rather than give a tiny 'ping' must be re-established on these shores. I thought they were a legal necessity but such appendages are now rare.
Hard to believe now - but the police used to enforce rules such as these.
We are told much about our society when police will only attend 'serious' incidents.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.