Sunday, October 30, 2022

A Mere 10 Million Dead. Choice, Huh?

 Communications Officer Rebekah Moffett reports from 

the solemn witness in Parliament Square on the 55th 

anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act 1967. Christian Concern.

55 years. Over 10 million lives.
Yet in reality, it’s more than just 10 million lives that 
have been affected – it’s 
also the lives of all the would-be mothers, would-be
 fathers, would-be aunts, uncles, grandparents, 
On 27 October, the 55th anniversary of the 
passing of the 1967 Abortion Act, a large group 
of pro-lifers gathered in solemn witness of the 
10 million lives that have been ended due to
 abortion. But more than just remember the ones 
who have been lost, they also gathered to
 commemorate all those lives that have been
 affected by the loss of even just one. The group
 took up the entire perimeter of Parliament 
Square in silent witness, with MPs, other 
politicians and journalists stopping to engage 
and ask questions. Despite the solemnity of the 
occasion, it was an encouraging sight.

10 million too many

Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian 
Concern, was 
there to mark the occasion: “I’m here because
passionately pro-life. Here we are, standing
 in Parliament
 Square, and we are speaking on behalf of 
those that 
didn’t get to live, didn’t get to have their first 
“Can we even begin to imagine that 10 million 
such people are missing since the passing of that 
act 55 years ago? 10 million is way beyond all 
the people that I can see in this square today; 10
 million is way beyond all the people that I would
 get to see as I travel London today. 10 million is 
the whole of the population of Greater London.
 10 million is two times the population of Scotland.
 I don’t know if we can ever even begin to imagine
 the concept of that number. 10 million too many.
“But today, what we see in the square is a
 pro-life intergenerational force. We’ve got 
everyone here. Those of us that are older, 
right down to little children that are here 
advocating on behalf of our unborn children.
“In 55 years’ time, we don’t want to say that
 the number is 20 million – but actually, we 
want to see an end to this intentional killing 
of our unborn children. That is what our common 
humanity requires, it’s what God requires. Because
 God says that you and me, and everyone I see, is 
precious in his sight and worthy of his protection.
 Let’s work to that.”

A Verse of Great Encouragement.