Joseph Hubbard and John Mackay were preaching on the south coast of the UK for several days when to our surprise, after one of the meetings, this specimen from the nearby Isle of Purbeck was donated to us. It’s rare for sure and it’s genuine. Such a set of Pterodactyl footprints makes our museum collection outstanding for its number of genuine Fossils, reminding us of the Hand of the Creator and Judge. Our archaeological specimens also point people towards the outstanding accuracy of the Bible as history. Continue to pray for this UK Museum project which has been 40 years in the making, since God called John Mackay to the UK, and he first started collecting. Now the Lord Jesus has raised up Joseph and team to continue this work. Get behind them now with your prayers and finance.
Got any specimens or archaeological items to donate? Now is the time to contact the Team. England needs to be reminded there really is a Higher King who has the Moral Right of the Creator to be Judge, who has the Power to save England and the Strength to love her people.
Creation Research.