Saturday, October 22, 2022

Mr Massey - Yorks Post.

 "I would like a non-woke political party that represents SMEs; the aspirational family, allows us to keep ‘Our’ money and protects the essential government infrastructure of living.

It used to be called Conservatism."
Blogger: Sorry, Keith. It's all down to selection procedures in our non-Tory Party. Those selected, by and large, are out and out liberals. If this had meant the liberalism of Gladstone or Lloyd George - we'd have been onto a winner - but they ain't. Most are a single step away from being wokeists.
Sorry to drag up historical unpleasantness - but this crew are yer actual Tory Wets. They promise to: 'get Brexit done' - and don't! They promise to be tough on crime and yet the disconnect between crime and sentencing has never been greater. They promise to sort out the criminals crossing The Channel - and don't! They indicate that they will encourage investors then fail to do so. SICKENING.
I could give many more examples, of course.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.