Thursday, November 03, 2022

EU Inflation Overall Is Almost 1% Higher Than That in The UK. (Have you ever heard this mentioned on the Beeb?)

 With the UK in the grip of a cost of living crisis, how does its inflation figure compare to the Eurozone?

As a whole, inflation in countries that use the Euro is slightly higher than in the UK, according to Eurostat figures published on Monday.

The EU's statistical office said the cost of energy and food, alcohol and tobacco had been the big drivers in the latest rate of inflation, which was up to 10.7% in October across the Eurozone.

This is a rise from September's figure of 9.9%. Yahoo.

Blogger: HELLO! This is NOT the UK doing badly - this is a largely Western World phenomenon - with potentially grave knock on effects to poorer nations. The biggest single factor appears to be the crazy race towards Net Zero whilst war in Ukraine has not helped.

All this was NOT the fault of Liz Truss!

I hope most Americans had a Godly Thanksgiving.

7 Thanksgiving controversies: Date change, mentions of God, ‘Day of Mourning’. By  Michael Gryboski , Mainline Church Editor  Thursday, Nove...