Saturday, November 19, 2022

In My Lifetime, I Have Experienced Well Over A Thousand Lectures - This Is The Most Influential of Them All! Unassailable logic!

Blogger: please, please take fewer than 55 minutes out of your busy life to listen to a science lecture which, with a little concentration, is wholly understandable to anyone with a modicum of intelligence.
Should you allow him to do  so, international scientist Professor Richard Lindzenwill thoroughly educate you on: weather, climate, politics, fake
dishonesty, science, faux science and so much more. All in 55 
minutes - less introduction time.
Fail to see this lecturer - introduced by N. Lawson - and I fear
 you may wellremain in perpetual ignorance of what is actually happening 
on our planet.

Now That Sounds Like A Plan.

South Dakota may require Louisiana-style Ten Commandments display in public schools. By  Michael Gryboski , Editor Tuesday, January 14, 2025...