Britain has a lot to be proud of in stamping out racism says Sir Trevor Phillips (left), which is why Harry and Meghan's (right) self-indulgent silliness is driving him hopping mad. 'They could have been a beacon of discovery and reconciliation! Not just to Britain, but the whole world,' he says. 'Instead, they completely squandered a golden opportunity to show everyone what this country is really like in matters of race - a country where no one disturbs themselves about a marriage across the lines of race and ethnicity,' he adds, getting crosser and crosser. 'But they constructed this completely ridiculous and unpleasant story about how maltreated they were - which, frankly, no one believes.' (Inset: British liner 'Empire Windrush' in 1954) DM.
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Mrs (?) Blair's Catastrophe Must Be Dismantled.
Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow, launches new fund to defend religious freedom in the UK. Staff writer Franklin Graham preaching at ...
Watch the film How the Gospel Transforms Lives Today Discover how Spring Harvest Host, Damilola Makinde, was inspired by the life-enhancin...