Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Creation Research Email News Update 15th November 2023.


BUSY AND BLESSED – that’s how most of October and November went.  Tested and tried occupied the remaining time. But in all things, including the tragedies in the Middle East, Jesus remained Lord for which we give thanks and encourage you to do the same.


Tasmania:  Craig had lots of Field Trips and Museum Days. Watch some video clips of Craig’s adventures and museum displays here

Diane is visiting in England and along with Joe and Sarah added another batch of great Creation Museum promotion clips, to be available in the New Year. See previous museum series with Joe and Diane here.  

JOIN JOHN MACKAY in Queensland and South Australia.

Sunday 19th. Good Shepherd Baptist Church. Albany Creek, all day three sessions.

Join us for a great time the blessing and sharing.

South Australia, Adelaide: Sunday 26th November AM: Southwest Baptist Church. Details: southwest.baptist-church.com.au

PM: Wavell Baptist Church DETAILS dhkeen@bigpond.com

QLD Discovery Centre Creation Museum has two new displays coming.

1st : Where did the Aboriginals come? From Babel to Boggabilla –and not that long ago!

2nd: Chinese history. Noah to now!

Your financial help is needed. These displays are fabulous but expensive.

CANADIAN YOUTUBE CHANNEL to feature Joe and John in the Standing for Truth conference Defending Genesis.

29 November at 7am Eastern Australia Time. TOPIC “From Boomerangs to Babel and Back Again” with the Creation Guy and Indiana Joe. Watch here.  

WATCH The Creation Research team on all of our past SFT presentations with us on their website here.  


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UK JULY 2024 “Rocks Cry Out” Convention confirmed, and Answers in Genesis will be there as well.  We will need helpers for the convention, both during and in the run up to it for prep, promotion.

Location: York House Caravan Park (York House Caravan Park -Campsite near Whitby North Yorkshire), in between Whitby and Robin Hood's Bay. More details soon.

DON’T MISS “Boomerangs to Babel and Back Again” with Joe and John. You’ll love it, but the Old Earthers will hate it and the evolutionists will despise it. It’s a must watch here.      

OZ 2024 - CRAIG HAWKINS TO HIT THE MINSTRY ROAD DOWUNDER SO BOOK NOW for his Ministry Trip through Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland in June-July 2024. He is looking forward to connecting with our Creation Research supporters and sharing on this crucial subject for our age. Get Craig to speak to your church or school groups or public meeting by registering interest on 0487343348 or email hawkthe32@gmail.com.

Craig has a Master of Science from the Australian National University and has worked in forestry in NSW and Tasmania. He shared the stage with John in the most successful Aussie debate against Australia’s leading atheists and even the secular news reports admitted we won.  Watch here.

With his scientist wife Rachelle, Craig runs the popular Tasmanian Tourism venture Seahorse World, which breeds and exports seahorses around the globe. Craig is also chairman of Creation Discovery Centre Tasmania, a museum open to the public declaring the truth of God’s handiwork and God’s Word. He has worked with John Mackay and Creation Research for 17 years starting with Craig and John’s successful Debate. He went full time for Creation Research in 2022. For a full summary of Craig’s background and subjects he may speak on, contact him on 0487 343348 or email hawkthe32@gmail.com.

USA DR GLENN’S new Ministry and Museum Trailer is ready to go. Pray as it gets its first main use in a Christmas Pageant on the 2nd December. The parade starts and finishes at Highland Church of the Cumberland, Jamestown, Tennessee.


ORCHID SPECIES BLURRED WITHOUT BUMBLEBEES.  Anorchid named Goodyera henryi is found in mainland Japan where it is exclusively pollinated by bumblebees, which have long tongues and reach deep into the flowers.  Researchers from Kobe University were surprised to find this orchid on Kozu Island a remote island where there are no bumblebees. Another orchid named Goodyera similis lives on the island and is pollinated by wasps, which have shorter tongues than bumblebees.  The researchers studied the genetics of the two orchid species and found that the orchids identified as G. henryi were actually hybrids with G. similis.  They also noted the island G. henryi orchids had shorter flower tubes than the mainland orchids.  The hybridisation probably occurred when a wasp that had already visited a G. similis flower deposited pollen intoa G. henryi flower, which then produced offspring with flower tubes short enough for wasps to collect pollen as well as deposit it, and therefore enable the plant to continue reproducing on the island without bumblebees. The researchers commented in their summary: “Our findings suggest that the absence of bumblebees can blur plant species boundaries.”  One of the research team also commented: "The most exciting aspect of this result is probably the implication for our understanding of how plants can adapt and evolve in response to changing ecological conditions, particularly in the context of declining pollinator populations.”

References: Kobe University News 18October 2023; ScienceDaily 17October 2023; New Phytologist 17 October 2023 DOI:10.1111/nph.19325

ED. COM.  There is no adaptation or evolution here. Neither species has turned into a different kind of plant, so there is no evolution.  The fact that the two orchid species could combine and produce fertile offspring shows they are one kind with varying flower tube length.  The change in the flower tube length in G. henryi is the result of genes from the shorter flowered variant being introduced into the long tubed variant by the wasps.  The comment about species being blurred is really an admission that these two orchid species really belong together.  We predict that as more genetic studies are done on more separately named plant species many will be found to variations within the one kind.  And yes, there are even fossil orchids to check this out on! See our report First Fossil Orchid here

See examples of the wonderful variation in plants kinds at the Jurassic Ark, Creation Research fossil and garden outdoor Museum.  Visits by appointment here.

EARTHWORM BOUNTY CALCULATED by scientists who correlated a global atlas of earthworm abundance with maps of agricultural production, taking into account soil properties and artificial fertilisers. They concluded: “Our findings indicate that earthworms contribute to roughly 6.5% of global grain (maize, rice, wheat, barley) production and 2.3% of legume production, equivalent to over 140 million metric tons annually.”  An article in Science (AAAS) News claimed these results mean “If earthworms were a country, they’d be the world’s fourth largest producer of grain.”  Steven Fonte or Colorado State University, who led the study, hopes this study will stimulate further research into the positive benefits of other soil organisms on crops.  He commented: “Soils are still this huge, big black box that we don't fully understand.  This work helps show that there's a lot of opportunity that we're just kind of ignoring.  There are probably other soil organisms that are even more important, especially microbial communities.”

References: PhysOrg 26 September 2023; Science (AAAS) News 26 September2023; Nature Communications 26 September 2023 doi:10.1038/s41467-023-41286-7

ED. COM.  The benefits of having earthworms in soil is well known to farmers and gardeners, and especially to Creation Research as we setup the Botanic gardens on our Jurassic Ark  which began in worm-free clay sand soil and were only able to get plants to grow after we imported worms. It is interesting to see this benefit quantified on a world-wide scale.  The researchers’ comment about soils is a good reminder that nothing in biology works in isolation.  No doubt further research into soil organisms and how they interact with each other and with the physical and chemical structure of the soil will reveal many more complex interactions.  This study is a reminder food production requires complex whole working ecosystems, which must have functioned from the beginning. It is further confirmation of Genesis, which tells us God completed the world and all the living things in it in six days.

ALIEN LIFE WITHIN 60 LIGHT YEARS, according the professor of astronomy at University of California, Santa Cruz, Piero Madau, who has developed a mathematical framework to help astronomers and astrobiologists find extra-terrestrial life.  Madau worked on the principle that life arises on “temperate terrestrial planets” (TTPs), i.e. planets that are the right distance from their star to be warm, but not too hot, and are of similar in size and structure to earth.  Madau estimated “the closest, life-harbouring Earth-like planet would be a distance of 20 parsecs away, if microbial life arose as soon as it did on Earth in > 1% of the TTPs around K stars.”  (A parsec, pc, is3.26 light years)  This was summarised by Universe Today as: “If Earth is Average, We Should Find Extra-terrestrial Life Within 60 Light-Years”.

References: Science Alert 29 September 2023; Universe Today 28 September 2023; arXiv;

ED. COM.  There is a fatal flaw in Madau’s and Universe Today’s conclusion – the earth is not average, and life does not spontaneously arise by itself.  It takes more than the right temperature and chemical components to make life.  The earth was created separately from all the objects in outer space, and it is filled with life because the Creator God put it there after He had created the earth with the right physical and chemical environment to sustain life.  It takes vast amounts of information to make living cells, and information comes from the mind of the Creator, who made the heavens and earth and all that is in them.

For more on the origin of life see Creation Conversations video here.

Did you miss this Question on Extra-terrestrials?

Is there life in outer space? Would it matter theologically if they found some?  Answer here
