Thursday, November 23, 2023

I Know Little About Wilders - But The Way The Press Has Recently Misled Us, Does Classing Him As 'Far Right' Actually Mean That He's A Tory-style Wet?

 GOEDEMORGEN from The Hague, where last night I attended the election party of outgoing VVD Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his wannabe successor Dilan Yeşilgöz. No one was in a partying mood, however, as the first exit polls came through, showing a big surprise victory for far-right candidate Geert Wilders, and an unexpectedly poor showing for the center-right VVD.

Messenger didn’t fit the message: Yeşilgöz, a charismatic self-confessed workaholic, could have focused on economic opportunities, cost of living or housing — but decided to make the campaign all about cutting migration, even though she was herself born in Ankara. The anti-immigrant voters, perhaps unsurprisingly, decided to go for the real anti-immigrant: Wilders. Politico Pro.

Blogger Question: if you oppose mass migration - - in what way does that make you Far Right?
