Sunday, December 17, 2023

Lancet Garbage.

 The once prestigious Lancet medical journal has doubled down in its climate alarmism, insisting in its latest issue that global warming is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century.

The Lancet, which used to take science seriously, makes the astonishing claim that climate change has been “confirmed” as the century’s number one health threat, a remarkable feat since the century is not even a quarter over.

It has never in fact been demonstrated that climate change constitutes any kind of health threat, and now the UK-based medical journal assures readers that it promises greater harm to health than heart disease, cancer, war, malaria, respiratory maladies, and biological warfare.

Although the Lancet speaks of the “findings” of its 2023 report, what it really means are predictions, forecasts, and prophecies, since the next 70+ decades are still in the future and cannot be examined as yet. Breitbart.

A Church Ditches Digital.