Baylor University's 'Harry Potter' professor goes viral after blasting JK Rowling for 'hatred of trans people'
Prof. Greg Garrett, the Carole Ann McDaniel Hanks Chair of Literature & Culture at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, went viral on X this week for tweeting about how students in his Harry Potter class have been discussing author J.K. Rowling's alleged "hatred of trans people." His tweet has racked up over 2 million views. CP.
Blogger: I am surprised to find myself on the same side as JK Rowling in this matter.
I do not know the lady personally and cannot assert with any degree of authority that she is 'not motivated by hatred' - but it does all seems rather improbable. The hatred seems to be originating from the professor - but then, I have not met Prof GG either.
As a Christian who follows Biblical leading - I too am opposed to the transgender culture as I believe it to be socially and spiritually flawed.
Now myself - I do know me! - I have taken an opposite stance to Prof GG but I have zero hatred of the man. I love him and do not want him to fall on the wrong side of God's Judgement. I take precisely the same view with all of the transgender people.
The sooner it is recognised that true Christians are acting in the best interests of trans people and their supporters - the better it will be for all.
The transgender cult is the only group peddling hatred as far as I can see.