As India announces the results of its general election, Indian Christians are asking their global church family to support and pray for them. Christians like Pastor Laxman*, who was falsely accused of forcing people to convert. He was arrested and sent to jail, and his church was destroyed by extremists. “We were even struggling for food,” he says. Ordinary church leaders in many parts of India face this brutal persecution every day. But your support and prayers today can help them persevere – with emergency food and long-term support for their futures. “If Open Doors supporters stopped caring, praying and giving, the situation would worsen in India,” says an Open Doors partner in India. “Christians could be wiped out completely.” I know how much you care about persecuted Indian Christians – thank you for your generosity to help them in the past. Today, will you consider making another gift to help our Indian brothers and sisters facing intense persecution? Every £30 could provide emergency food aid to two believers in India affected by violent persecution. |