Saturday, March 15, 2025


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Dear All.
If you have already given to this appeal, thank you so much for your generosity 
and kindness. But if you haven’t had a chance to give yet—and would like to do
 so—please use the button below to send your gift securely online today.

Imagine being arrested, thrown in prison and now facing legal charges — simply

 for holding a Christian meeting in your home.

That’s what happened to Pastor Mohan*, in India’s northern Uttar Pradesh State.

Around 50 Christians were at his home when Hindu extremists arrived with

 police and local media. The Christians were threatened and Pastor Mohan

 was taken into police custody.

Although initially released, he was later accused of forcing, threatening and 

luring people into his church, in breach of Uttar Pradesh’s anti-conversion laws. 

He was remanded in custody for a month, a time during which he was 

bullied by other inmates.

He felt alone and in despair—until someone brought him a copy of the

 New Testament. He read the story of Paul and Silas in prison and realised 

the challenges that God’s gospel servants will sometimes face.

As the court case drags on, Release International partners have been 

supporting Mohan and providing him with on-going legal aid. ‘We are under

 a lot of pressure,’ he said. ‘We are very stressed.’

Could you send a gift of £30 or more to Release International, to help us

 support Christians like Mohan, who suffer intimidation and oppression, 

simply for serving the gospel of Christ?

*Name changed, to protect those we serve

Yes, I will help

Your gift can make a real difference in the day-to-day lives of Christians

 facing on-going oppression—not just in India, but in many other parts 

of the world.


Thank you for your concern for persecuted Christians around the world.

 Every gift you send can help us to encourage and support those who 

suffer for Christ and the gospel.

May God bless you in the year ahead.

Paul Robinson
CEO, Release International

Hmm. Sounds More Than Probable.

Brian Monteith Rachel Reeves is so awful,  she must be secretly working  for the Tories. DT. After single-handedly destroying Labour, one ca...