Monday, March 03, 2025

Pure, Unadulterated Malice!

 Telegraph View.

Labour’s attack on private schools is simple class envy.

Officers in the Armed Forces who receive help to put their children through boarding schools are leaving because costs are now too high
Teenage Students In Uniform Sitting Examination In School Hall
Telegraph View
16 December 2024 7:03am GMT
Telegraph View
Another Labour policy that will cause far more harm than any improvement to the public finances is the imposition of VAT on independent school fees from next month. This pernicious ideological move has already forced some small schools out of business and is expected to push thousands of pupils into a state sector unable to cope with the additional numbers.
Now another group has found itself in difficulties as a result. Officers in the Armed Forces who receive financial help to put their children through private boarding schools while serving are leaving their jobs because the extra charges are too great. They do not have the option of state education for their children because they can be deployed abroad at short notice.
Some are facing a rise in annual costs of more than £7,000. Even though the Government has offered extra financial support for military parents it is not enough to cover the increase. Officers say the policy will “push valued personnel out of service” and cause a recruitment crisis.
Government officials said Ministers had never promised to cover the full amount of the extra charges but insisted that only a small number of families would be hit. Even if this is true they are personnel the country can ill afford to lose so blithely, and some estimates suggest 2,000 families are at risk. The wife of a lieutenant colonel said the couple and their three daughters were preparing to leave the country. “We will most likely relocate and the UK will lose a competent, well-trained, valuable officer.”
One brigadier said that, from Jan 1, the cost of educating his three children could rise from £40,000 a year to £72,000 – more than his net salary. Labour is pursuing a reckless, small-minded and damaging policy; but for this Government, class envy trumps all other considerations.
Blogger: it actually falls to taxpayers to fund this spiteful act by Labour.
There aren't enough school places for all the former private pupils.
Surrey is having to bus these 'privileged monsters' to other counties to find places.
Almost all private/public schools are winding down their bursaries which help gifted, working class children.
This Blogger hates no human being but he considers our hate-filled Labour Party to be beneath all contempt.

Hmm. Sounds More Than Probable.

Brian Monteith Rachel Reeves is so awful,  she must be secretly working  for the Tories. DT. After single-handedly destroying Labour, one ca...