Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Heard of 'True Vision'?
Great news? The Police have launched 'True Vision' packs which more than half of our Police Forces now embrace. These rainbow-coloured cards explain how they are fighting so-called 'hate crime' and hows ALL "homophobic" matters will be taken very seriously.
Is this about "hate crime" or merely the actions of the new Labour thought police? These self same police who are "too busy" to turn up when our garage is broken into - otherwise known as a "real crime" - can find time and resources to descend in force if somebody tells, what somebody deems to be an inappropriate joke.
Apparently, giving out Christian leaflets on a stall which tell the truth from Scripture about homosexuality, gets aged couples arrested!
When I was a JP, we were trained to give out much tougher sentences for crimes which had a racial or 'homophobic' element attached. - Why? Is justice not supposed to be blind?
If a person is mugged because the thug thinks they are "ugly" or from purest greed, that gains one penalty. If mugged for alleged and no-need-to-prove-because-it-has-been-claimed "homophobic" reasons, a much higher penalty kicks in. There is no logic here. There are two equal victims. The motivation of the attacker is of no relevance. Is justice not supposed to be blind?
And there are those who wonder why some of us are "fighting to cling onto our freedoms". Wonder no more!
If we apply 'The Golden Rule' from Matthew in our dealings with others it is difficult to go too far wrong.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Are pigs flying? - Anglican Bishop talks sense!
The Government must rethink policies on multiculturalism to counter the growing influence of Islamic radicalism, the Bishop of Rochester says in a Daily Telegraph article. Rt Revd Michael Nazir-Ali said the dominant practice in British Islam had changed from a pietistic mysticism to a more fundamentalist and politicised form. This was the result of a growth of mosques since the 1980s staffed by clerics adhering to radical Muslim traditions. Government housing and education policies that favour segregation with the aim of protecting immigrant cultures have the effect of alienating one culture from another, he said. The bishop urged potential immigrants to be screened for their sympathy for British values. Chief among these, he said, is the ‘innate dignity of all with fundamental equality … liberty and safety from harm’.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Papyrology shows up the 'experts'.
In the 1990s, Professor Carsten Peter Thiede turned both Theology and New Testament criticism on their heads. His findings utterly destroyed the so-called research of countless academics - and they are incandescent with rage at the ruthless slaughter of so many sacred cows.
For donkeys' years, claims have been made that the Gospels were written very late - in the second century at the earliest. Naturally, this meant that they were so far detached from the actual events, they could be treated as 'pious fiction' or 'rough approximations'.
Unfortunately for all these negativists,Thiede proved definitively by the science of papyrology, that the fragment of Matthew's Gospel known as 'The Magdalen Papyrus' or sometimes, 'The Jesus Papyrus', was written, at the very latest, AD 68 - just 34 years after the crucifixion and there are pointers to a considerably earlier date.
His work is ten years old and yet the facts have not made even one jot of difference. The same rubbish is being taught in seminaries and theological colleges.The Gospels MUST now be taken without a pinch of salt.[ Incidentally, it is conclusive that Mark's Gospel preceded Matthew's.]
One excuse fewer for unbelievers. Well done Peter!
For donkeys' years, claims have been made that the Gospels were written very late - in the second century at the earliest. Naturally, this meant that they were so far detached from the actual events, they could be treated as 'pious fiction' or 'rough approximations'.
Unfortunately for all these negativists,Thiede proved definitively by the science of papyrology, that the fragment of Matthew's Gospel known as 'The Magdalen Papyrus' or sometimes, 'The Jesus Papyrus', was written, at the very latest, AD 68 - just 34 years after the crucifixion and there are pointers to a considerably earlier date.
His work is ten years old and yet the facts have not made even one jot of difference. The same rubbish is being taught in seminaries and theological colleges.The Gospels MUST now be taken without a pinch of salt.[ Incidentally, it is conclusive that Mark's Gospel preceded Matthew's.]
One excuse fewer for unbelievers. Well done Peter!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Enemies subtly undermine The Christ.
If Jesus were not God the Son, then we have two immediate problems. The first is that His sacrifice for "all mankind" is simply not enough to pay the price of all our sin.
The second problem is that He had promised salvation to His listeners. If He knew He was not the Saviour, then He was no more than a conman - an out and out deceiver.
No surprise then that it is a very common tactic of His enemies to portray Jesus as merely being "a good man" with the Sermon on The Mount adduced as evidence.
Sorry. It won't wash. Either He is God the Son; our real and present Saviour OR He was a very "bad" man. No compromises are possible.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
The illiberal left..
What I reproduce here I do not fully vouch for. All I know is that this is a claim made openly by the BNP. I hope that it is not true but suspect strongly that it is 100% fact as Democracy Watch have taken up the case. With attitudes like this in place from the liberal-left authorities, it is only a matter of time before we start seeing BNP elected as MPs and not just as councillors!
"BNP Organiser Kevin Hughes who is being held in Featherstone Prison has been refused books and magazines, including Christian religious books, by the Prison Governor Michael Bolton....... The Prison Service Rules on sending prisoners books should be applied in a way that is non-discriminatory and applied in a way that does not adversely affect only specific racial, religious and ethnic groups.No censure of foreign language books. At the moment books and magazines sent to white British prisoners that are written in English are being prohibited. Prisoners in the Prison Service who are from foreign and ethnic minority groups and who are being sent books written in languages such as Urdu, Assamese, Awadhi, Bagri, Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Lamani, Marathi etc etc are not being prohibited from being sent to prisoners. These books are not studied or assessed by the Prison Service before they are allowed to be issued to the prisoners."
[Quotation courtesy of Democracy Watch.]
Link: Note the comment on the piece with regard to Hughes' conviction which I have seen from other sources and believe to be an accurate portrayal.
NOTE. This site holds no brief for the BNP but will stick up , even for them, if they are abominably treated outside the confines of a democratic society.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
A land fit for criminals.
I did ten years as a magistrate and probably sent fewer than 30 people to prison in that period - most of the time it is not necessary but when clearly essential it is extremely difficult.
Everything may point to custody; no remorse; failure to respond to countless community punishments and seriousness of the offences to boot. But forget it. There are 'guidelines' in place to ensure that you do not jail people, even for quite serious, anti-social behaviour. I would willingly have imposed custody on perhaps, four times more occasions than I did.
"So how come prisons are overflowing?" I hear you ask. Well,when you ignore the moderately serious without putting a check on behaviour, unsurprisingly, the average offender moves up the scale and eventually a great many have then to be imprisoned by Crown Court.
Yesterday, a government advisory body, evidently with the brief to reduce the number of prisoners, announced that 'guidelines' should be adjusted yet again so that shoplifters are never be jailed - even as repeat offenders. Stark, staring bonkers!
When will they get the message that they are simply making the situation worse and worse? They must prove to offenders with sentencing that being a criminal is just not worth it.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Helping society to decay.
Nearly 40,000 teenage pregnancies in 2004 - the last year for which we have the figures. 'So what', you ask? - Well, let us examine what surveys clearly show to be the social consequences.
These offspring who are not butchered by abortionists are: more likely to fail in school, turn to crime, take drugs and to perpetuate this cycle. Do we not have enough single parent families where this is nobody's fault without adding to the problem? - Apparently not, as successive governments, especially those of a leftwing hue, have conspired to make the situation worse.
They have achieved this by insisting that it is a question of "education". Rubbish! I would wager that there was not a single, mentally competent girl in that 40,000 who did not know that sex has consequences.
Except of course, today these consequences are few - that is the problem. Shame has been abolished; abortions are there as a safety net; a house and an income are the "prize" for many and society is too politically correct to be "judgemental".
There is also blame to apportion beyond governments to: the irresponsible media, schools who preach "do whatever you like but try to avoid the consequences", shockingly poor parenting, a Church which is weak, silent and generally pathetic - all this against a hedonistic backcloth.
The highest teen pregnancy rate in Europe? Funny how the only lists this country seems to top are always the wrong ones!
The feminist left insist that there are so many dysfunctional two parent families that single parents are to be welcomed. This argument is as crass as it is disingenuous.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Knavish Tricks.
For those who hate the Gospel and wish to denigrate it there are numerous tactics employed. One of the favourites is to employ different historical criteria. We have no documents on the writings of Julius Caesar earlier than 100s of years after his death and yet every word is taken as absolute truth.
We have FOUR gospels with a single message dating back to a matter of decades - or even less - from Jesus's resurrection yet these same 'experts' pillory them and give them no credit.
Have you ever heard the expression 'double standards'?
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Education down the toilet.
'A' Levels have always been the best part of our educational qualifications. They are now in trouble as one official admits that we are heading for a 100% pass rate. Absurd!
What of the wasters, the feckless, the incompetent, the ones who only care about their other subjects. What of those with appalling marks?
I have been an examiner and EVERY batch of examinees contains such students.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Muscular Christianity.
If you were to ask the average 'man on the Clapham omnibus' how he perceives Christians, I feel that he might say something like - "Otherworldly, nice, socially-minded, often hypocrites and a little bit dippy."
Certainly, this is a view reinforced ad nauseam by TV programme makers. Like all stereotyping there is at least a grain of truth in this, particularly in those parts of the Church which mistakenly think that salvation comes through good works.
Sadly, this rather sours the pool for those Christians who, whilst never shunning good works, know that salvation only comes by the Grace of God combined with repentance.
I know few evangelicals who fit the Clapham gentleman's profile. Ask yourself, would his description fit Jesus? If it does - fine, that is how we should be!
I rather suspect otherwise!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Why buy The Mail on Sunday?
Why do people bother to read the Mail on Sunday - a poorer version of the ever declining Daily Mail?
One possibility is the rather excellent column of that practising Anglican and former marxist, Peter Hitchens.
He is the scourge of politically correct and woolly-minded thinking.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
The left on crime.
The left believe in, restoration, restitution, rehabilitation and for all I know, revelation. Most of the rest of us do also, except we also believe in retribution,remorse and repentance- although those of us who are Christians do not believe in revenge. [Retribution means a balanced, fair and hopefully certain punishment.]
The leftwing attitude has dominated, and even been taken on board by the Tories, for at least 55 years over which time crime must obviously have plummeted. No sensible society could allow such beliefs if they were failing.
Unfortunately, this is not quite the case as serious crime has risen by over 1,100% in that period. Clearly, godlessness, fractured families et al, all play their debilitating parts but the removal of the concept of punishment has also removed the basic principle of fairness a society requires. When wrongdoers do not receive a punishment commensurate with their crime, it is not only unfair on them but also unfair on all the rest of us who do 'play the game'.
God requires us to punish crime on the social level and to be prepared to forgive individuals on the personal level. If this is not true then the two Testaments are inconsistent - which is clearly not the case.
Punishment for wrongdoing is a fundamental Christian principle. Please remember however, that God only forgives sin, we are still answerable for our crime. Of course, they do overlap!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
The number of small Christian schools is quite high but it is an absolute disgrace that parents are forced to go private to obtain a Christian education for their children.
Church schools - mainly RC and Anglican - have a mixed record of promoting the faith and in any case, there is insufficient provision for those wanting to educate their children as Christians.
The new breed of Christian Schools answers a definite need.
It is quite scandalous that the parents in these schools - very often quite poor working class people - have to fund their children's education when they have already paid their taxes. Why should they not be given the equivalent from the government to fund a Christian education?
At Handsworth Christian School, fees are some £2,500 per child per annum. This represents approximately half what the government spends per child to indoctrinate children in so many indisciplined, moral hell holes called comprehensives. What a nice way for governments to save money at the expense of Christians.
The solution is vouchers. This would not only help the Christian schools but would mean that most parents would have the opportunity to remove their children from sink schools. Clearly, these would either have to improve to gain this 'bottom funding' or close down.
Link: Tory navel-gazing.
Friday, August 18, 2006
EU evil.
I am well known for despising the EU because of: massive expense, corruption, delusions of grandeur, bureaucracy, loss of democracy and general non-stop bossiness.
BUT let us also consider The Consolidated Treaty which, along with the original Treaty of Rome, basically prevents open trade with the Third World. The EU is little more than a protectionist, customs union. "So what?" I hear you say. "It's all so boring and complicated."
All too true but this attitude KILLS people. (Oxfam has stood up publicly against the terrible things it is responsible for.)
The EU sells us subsidised food - often at TWICE what it would cost on world markets. So we are made poorer but this is nothing compared to Third World nations who could, in many cases, dig their way out of poverty if only they had access to our markets.
To think. Some Christians actually support this horrific organisation!
LINK: Agricultural Subsidies section.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Greens are fundamentally wrong.
I am not saying that we should not look after the earth and be good stewards of it but I was rather disturbed to see a letter, I think on Ceefax, the other day which said: " The earth would be far better off without the human species on it."
This is the same as saying that a house is better off if nobody lives in it.
This is the kind of logic which emerges when you take the Creator out of the equation. God made the world for us and not vice verca.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Churches are silent.
It has now been months since this wretched government allowed homosexuals the right to 'marry'.
Have the Churches all been silent or is it that they have no idea how to create publicity?
I had few objections to homosexuality being decriminalised as these people then have to answer to God and their conscience.
To put homosexual partnerships on the same level as marriage is an abomination.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Credit where credit is due.
'The Miracles of Jesus' series on BBC 1, thus far, has managed not to offend me in any way. I have had a number of minor issues but feel that the opening two programmes have been produced with genuine integrity.
Mind you, we have not dealt with the Resurrection yet, so the jury is still out.
Addendum. 23/8/06 The programme on the Resurrection blurred the edges and was rather selective in what it picked out but was just about acceptable.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Abolition of sin.
For once, it is not exclusively the lefties who are trying to abolish 'sin' even though they are in the vanguard.
When a society believes that morality is a matter of personal opinion, we are in deep
trouble. 60 million different moral philosophies does not equate to the 'shared values' our society so desperately needs.
When a society believes that morality is a matter of personal opinion, we are in deep
trouble. 60 million different moral philosophies does not equate to the 'shared values' our society so desperately needs.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I publish this website without comment.
About Islam: The Koran says in Sura 5:33 The just retribution for those who fight GOD (Allah) and His messenger (Muhammad and/or muslims), and commit horrendous crimes, is to be killed, or crucified, or to have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or to be banished from the land. This is to humiliate them in this life, then they suffer a far worse retribution in the Hereafter.
Islam is obviously not a peaceful religion. Do not believe the liberals on TV when they say Islam is peaceful. Instead, use common sense...what do the pictures below tell you about Islam?
In Contrast to the Koran: The Bible says in Matthew 5:44 "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you, and persecute you."
Because of what the Koran teaches for its followers to do to anyone rejecting Islam, Muslims are potential threats to [The West]. The only way to keep them from attacking [us] is to try to lead all muslims to Jesus. Islam is a major threat to our national security and the ... way of life- as we saw on 9/11/01. Our fight is not with the Arab race, but with demonic Islam. Photos.
The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12 - "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
Atheist Link:
Islam is obviously not a peaceful religion. Do not believe the liberals on TV when they say Islam is peaceful. Instead, use common sense...what do the pictures below tell you about Islam?
In Contrast to the Koran: The Bible says in Matthew 5:44 "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you, and persecute you."
Because of what the Koran teaches for its followers to do to anyone rejecting Islam, Muslims are potential threats to [The West]. The only way to keep them from attacking [us] is to try to lead all muslims to Jesus. Islam is a major threat to our national security and the ... way of life- as we saw on 9/11/01. Our fight is not with the Arab race, but with demonic Islam. Photos.
The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12 - "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
Atheist Link:
Educational failings.
We may no longer be an actively Christian nation, even if in the past, that only ever really referred to shared values. Nonetheless, Judaeo-Christianity is our heritage; our history; our culture; our birthright. It is appalling that children are taught so little of their nation and how they fit into this. To have a full grounding in what Christianity is, is a simple entitlement.
Schools are failing their charges. Nobody is asking for indoctrination - that does not even occur in the Christian School where I teach! Children, as part of a fully rounded education, should have learnt the major stories of the Old Testament. They should know the stories of The New Testament and should know what the claims of Christianity are. These perhaps should be taught neutrally which means that it would be appropriate to teach to those from all faiths or none.
In a Christian School, we teach the Faith more directly but it is also to children from Sikh, Hindu, Moslem and Chinese religion backgrounds. Admittedly their parents have volunteered them into a Christian based environment but it works - and in a more diluted form would do so in state schools.
BUT of course, the liberal left are out to destroy Christianity and, through the education system, they are trying to starve it of of relevance.
It is reprehensible that schools kow-tow to multi-faith agendas before children have the first idea about our historical faith. The assumption is made that all religions are quaint but dangerous rubbish. These people are wrong and MUST be challenged!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Tax abuse.
The left have always believed in spending other people's money. There is no Christian enjoinder to support high and unreasonable levies from governments who are supposed to be our servants and not our masters.
Taxation is today so high as to be a form of abuse. We have to work entirely for the government until June 3rd - Tax Freedom Day. Inheritance Tax raids the bereaved AND targets monies on which tax has already been paid.
In OT times the tithe was for religious and social reasons.
Little wonder so few Christians justify tithing today. Shame on them when leftwing governments spend their money so effectively and with such wisdom!
High taxation saps the lifeblood from society; destroys initiative; encourages people to work less; discourages investment and works only to the advantage of the feckless.
LINK: Stealth taxes - the details.
Still just the 100+ Stealth Taxes, is it Mr Brown?
Friday, August 11, 2006
Faith and uncertainty.
Have you ever seen or heard one of those programmes, frequently late in the evening, in which an atheist/agnostic is in debate with a high-ranking, 'professional Christian' - often a Bishop?
The atheist makes his or her weak point, usually based on the fact of evil in the world and this thereby 'justifies' unbelief.
"Move in for the kill!" you shout at the PC. Disappointment reigns as you hear them make some variant on this piece of compromising, illogical claptrap - "Well, you see - faith encompasses disbelief." I have heard this rot so many times.
What does it mean and why can programme makers not find a real Christian? Is it deliberate?
Thursday, August 10, 2006
The Con.
Those politicians who claim to be Christians are customarily mealy-mouthed about faith. Either they are not true believers and hope to catch a few votes or they are believers who simply keep a low profile. In the latter case, they fear being too open as this may upset: the local party, selection committees, the whips, the PM and of course - the voters.
I am sure many convince themselves that they are 'working from within' but they are simply sell-out merchants.
Am I wrong? Okay, 650+ MPs. Surely, there must be at least 50 Christians in at Westminster. Name me just 10 who put Christ first - publicly. Alright, five? Any? Labour's Frank Field probably deserves some credit here but I am hard pressed to name another.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Go ask Alice.
Stories are emerging from the world of Rock that the ultimate rebel, Vincent Furnier, aka Alice Cooper has become a Christian.
In a recent interview he spoke of his upbringing in a devout home and he is apparently admitting that his family were right.
"Rock on Vincie baby!" After all, school is out at the moment.
Cooper recently said his Christian, nonprofit Solid Rock Foundation has begun fundraising efforts for a 20,000-square-foot teen activity center to be called The Rock, to be built at Grand Canyon University in West Phoenix.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
The Great Commission.
Christians are told in Mark 16, 'The Great Commission', that it is our responsibility to "Go out and preach [the Gospel] to all nations."
Fortunately or perhaps unfortunately, today, we do not have to leave our own street to find a mission field. I trust that we are all conscious of the ongoing need to win souls?
Too many are diluting the Faith by suggesting worship with religions which despise God the Son and some of which even embrace polytheism. The 'multi-faithers' reject the 10 Commandments as "they know better than God".
Dialogue with other faiths is a totally different issue - but if the agenda is not to win them for Jesus, what is the point?
Christians must get on with other people/other faiths/atheists BUT there must be NO cosy sell-out!
Monday, August 07, 2006
The Miracles of Jesus.
Unbelievable! When BBC 1 chooses to do an important programme called 'The Miracles of Jesus', they choose the excellent Rageh Omaar.
So. No problem then except that he is of Muslim origin! Are there really NO presenters whatsoever who are Christian, even nominally so, who could have been used? Inevitably, the claim will be that the programme was attempting to be 'an outsider looking in' but the typical Beeb agenda is the same as always. A straightforward or direct portrayal of the Christian Faith is not to be permitted unless it is Christmas or Easter - and seldom then.
One more, not-so-subtle attempt, to blur the boundaries between religions in pursuit of politically correct, multi-faith goals.
That being said, in all fairness, the first programme at least, was informative, thoughtful and evenhanded.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Unfair on Pope.
I am no admirer of The Church of Rome but am horrified how countless lefties have been queuing up to lambast the Pope as being responsible for AIDS in Africa.
The logic is:- "The Pope bans Catholics from using condoms. People follow this in Africa - ergo Aids spreads in uncontrolled fashion and the Pope is to blame."
[Let us put aside at the outset the fact that whether people use or do not use condoms is no business of the Pope as there is no Christian basis for this prohibition.]
What twaddle the average leftwinger spouts! If sinning Catholics decide to go against major Church teaching on sex being for within marriage, is it likely that they would then embrace the relatively minor teaching on contraception?
Another scintillating example of leftwing logic from the guardianistas.
LINKS: Catholic view. Leftie view on John Paul ii.
Prayerful Police
In days gone by, there would have been much delight that a senior Police Officer should refer to prayer as being a positive force in policing. Today - ribald, crude, politically correct mockery - across the media.
I say "Well done!" to the Christian Police Association in Lincolnshire.
A Police Officers Prayer:
Lord I ask you to be with me in a very special way, As I face the challenges that come my way each day. Please give to me compassion for the innocent I see, Help me to protect and serve those who depend on me.When duty calls to danger I will rely on you, To give me strength and courage and help me make it through. And when my shift is over, thankful I will be That you have been the unseen guest walking next to me.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Survival of the fittest.
'Survival of the fittest' is the basis of darwinian thought and therefore, evolution. Consequently, rape and murder must be regarded as positives, so the strongest/most devious are the ones who deserve to progress.
Certainly, as a society, we do not embrace this. For the moment at least, we help the weakest, the oldest, the sick and the disabled to survive. We are flying in the face of 'evolution' and putting two fingers up at it. If evolutionists had a case, would it not be true that our tactics are actually helping to wreck the human race?
Certainly, the Nazis and many other groups moved towards eugenics - simply explained as 'controlled breeding from quality human stock only'. If evolution is true, in a godless, mechanistic universe, surely these horrific people such as Galton and the Aryan theorists must be seen as 'forward thinkers'.
Do not think that a belief in evolution is 'just one of those things' that does not really matter. The basis behind it is scary. Be logical. Think it through.
Creationists have a strong, scientific base for their beliefs. We must not let evolutionists win by simple default as they are doing at the moment.
I am not saying that 'survival of the fittest' is not a proven fact - it is. Whether it can possibly be the base of gradual evolution is quite another matter. The whole theory has a downside into what Man is and how believers in that faith (evolution IS a belief system) embrace an idea which is dangerous both spiritually and socially.
LINK: Evolutionist admits logical consequence of evolutionary thought:
Friday, August 04, 2006
Sinister, historical deception.
In November 1917, that great archaeologist, Flinders Petrie, addressed the British Academy and correctly announced that a large portion of British History had been criminally neglected.
He was referring principally to the work of the 8th Century monk Nennius and that of the 12th Century's Geoffrey of Monmouth, both of whom had been (and continue to be) ditched, abused and defamed by modernist historians.
The research into their credibility by historian Bill Cooper has proved definitively that their authenticity is remarkable when their histories are compared to contemporary sources across Europe.
"So what?" will be the response of many people.
The situation is that these histories allow countless nations and tribes to trace their origins back to The Table of Nations in Genesis in Genesis 10 & 11 - which modernists have designated "pious fiction".
Cooper's work lends enormous credibility to the Genesis account and effectively proves a significant portion of it to be a genuine and reliable historical document.
If Genesis has credibility, then our atheistic academics are in real trouble.
I wonder why they could possibly have rubbished Nennius and Geoffrey of Monmouth? It could not be dishonesty, by any chance? Surely, they could not be trying to undermine the truth of the Scriptures. Could they?
Nennius does not 'edit' his history for which he is criticised by modernist historians. (????!) What this actually means is that his history, unexplained and unexpurgated, is actually much more valuable than most. His honesty is 100%.
Church of England in crisis.
I recently got hold of a Parish Magazine and turned to the local vicar's slot and I quote:
"People now believe that all the planets, including our own, revolve around the sun. Is it not equally true that all religions including Christianity revolve around Jesus Christ? - Well, NO! It is not. Have you never read John 14:6, vicar? - “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. ..."
People do NOT reach God through other religions which reject God the Son. This man has been in charge of the spiritual guidance of countless people across a number of villages. Shame on you for corrupting their faith or not showing them how to enter the Kingdom of God.
He goes onto repeat: "But as all religions revolve around Jesus Christ, the sun of the religious solar system, so they too can lead people to some knowledge of the truth about God and His Creation."
I shall have to try VERY hard to avoid using rude words again. The man is a heretic; an apostate; one who has put the doctrine of 'inclusivity' above the truth of Scripture. Just who is he to set himself and his opinions above the revealed Word of God?
It is no real surprise that this country is in such a mess. I fear that this man represents an enormous strand of fundamental disbelief throughout the C. of E. The vast majority of people in this nation have no idea what the Gospel is and there are 'professional christians' who are not prepared to let them be informed.
They will have to answer to God for what they have (not) done.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
There be dragons
Many readily accept that 'dragons' died out some 60 million years ago. It is believed that ancient man saw dinosaur fossils and using the partial evidence of their eyes, added these creatures to legend and folklore - probably mixing in tales of crocodiles seen and experienced.
You cannot gainsay this necessarily when it is explained that dragon legends exist on every continent and across almost all cultures.
The first point is that crocs are in fact living dinosaurs along with Komodo dragons - one of which I met personally last week in Lisbon zoo.
The coelocanth fish was extinct for '300 million years' - that it is until it turned up from the depths of the oceans in the 1930s and has been caught in nets regularly since that time.
Everything here mentioned is a fact. If you were to look at the 200 reports in British history of dragons and also flying creatures in the mould of pterodactyls, if you were to take off the evolution-must-be-true glasses that so many wear, might you not conclude that not all these reports are mere imagination?
Some are remarkably detailed. In 1614 there is a report from St Leonard's Forest in Sussex near a village called Dragon's Green. Other reports come from Bures, Saffron Walden, Henham in Essex, Penllin Glamorgan to name but a few.
As we know that most dinosaurs did die out, do we not have some fairly reliable evidence here that the last throes of dinosaurs should be measured in hundreds of years and not millions?
The National Curriculum.
The National Curriculum has decided to abolish the concepts of 'right and wrong' which were enshrined in its present incarnation. These are to be replaced with the highly dubious need to develop 'secure values and beliefs' - a statement of mind-numbing vagueness and sinister possibilities.
Naturally, the NC has decided nothing for itself; it cannot. Our Labour government however, pulls its strings and along with their puppet, chief executive Kenneth Boston, they have once again conspired against the Christian Faith and simple morality.
In a darwinian, godless, mechanistic universe, there are of course, no such things as: absolutes, certainties and morality. So why should we be surprised?
For those who have thus far missed the point, we must ask: "What are the 'values and beliefs' which are to be secured?" May I suggest that this could open up the rights to believe in: paganism, wicca, atheism - devil worship even. "But people have that right now" - I hear you say. Indeed they do but only AFTER having been given a moral and hopefully, Christian foundation first in schools. Some will get this from parents. Alas. Too many do not get any moral leadership whatsoever in the home and this is where the state has a duty to give them a starting point, at least.
Even the Church of England is making its voice heard; in horror. No doubt there will be a host of assorted clever clogs, super liberals, lefties and academics out there who would retort, "What is morality? Is it not a subjective and relative concept?" - To which I would reply in very rude fashion - possibly even in a single word.
Can any still believe that I-am-a-Christian Blair and his wretched party are ever again worthy of receiving a vote from evangelical believers?
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Without the Dead Sea Scrolls, "scholars" who despise Judaeo-Christianity would still be trying to persuade us that "the Old Testament was written late" and that "the prophecies which define the Messiah were add-ons". During the so-called Age of Reason, this is precisely what such people taught.
The discovery of the scrolls at Qumran - left behind by some kind of extreme Jewish or possibly Essene sect - meant such people were dead in the water. The dating was historically unarguable!
The scrolls represent every book of the OT except Esther and thus confirm that the countless prophecies which Jesus fulfilled all pre-dated Him.
Of course, the next step was to attack the veracity of the Gospels which is considerably more difficult. I shall leave that for another time.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
World Council of Churches
If you want to find out where the liberal churches congregate to find ever new ways of downgrading the Gospel, you need look no further than that exercise in ecumenical denial called the World Council of Churches.
It seems to me, that although they may promote a limited number of apparently good works, they cannot walk past a liberal, apostate or marxist doctrine without crying out in their desperation to embrace it.
348 churches across 120 different countries is the current total. If you are an evangelical you ought to be seriously concerned.
* Conspiracy theorists see the organisation as absolutely corrupt and infiltrated by the forces of evil.
I am not prepared to comment on this directly but simply invite my readers to do the research.
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