Friday, August 04, 2006

Church of England in crisis.

I recently got hold of a Parish Magazine and turned to the local vicar's slot and I quote:
"People now believe that all the planets, including our own, revolve around the sun. Is it not equally true that all religions including Christianity revolve around Jesus Christ? - Well, NO! It is not. Have you never read John 14:6, vicar? - “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. ..."
People do NOT reach God through other religions which reject God the Son. This man has been in charge of the spiritual guidance of countless people across a number of villages. Shame on you for corrupting their faith or not showing them how to enter the Kingdom of God.
He goes onto repeat: "But as all religions revolve around Jesus Christ, the sun of the religious solar system, so they too can lead people to some knowledge of the truth about God and His Creation."
I shall have to try VERY hard to avoid using rude words again. The man is a heretic; an apostate; one who has put the doctrine of 'inclusivity' above the truth of Scripture. Just who is he to set himself and his opinions above the revealed Word of God?
It is no real surprise that this country is in such a mess. I fear that this man represents an enormous strand of fundamental disbelief throughout the C. of E. The vast majority of people in this nation have no idea what the Gospel is and there are 'professional christians' who are not prepared to let them be informed.
They will have to answer to God for what they have (not) done

A Church in Crisis.