Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Muscular Christianity.

If you were to ask the average 'man on the Clapham omnibus' how he perceives Christians, I feel that he might say something like - "Otherworldly, nice, socially-minded, often hypocrites and a little bit dippy."
Certainly, this is a view reinforced ad nauseam by TV programme makers. Like all stereotyping there is at least a grain of truth in this, particularly in those parts of the Church which mistakenly think that salvation comes through good works.
Sadly, this rather sours the pool for those Christians who, whilst never shunning good works, know that salvation only comes by the Grace of God combined with repentance.
I know few evangelicals who fit the Clapham gentleman's profile. Ask yourself, would his description fit Jesus? If it does - fine, that is how we should be!
I rather suspect otherwise!

A Church in Crisis.
