Sunday, August 06, 2006

Unfair on Pope.

I am no admirer of The Church of Rome but am horrified how countless lefties have been queuing up to lambast the Pope as being responsible for AIDS in Africa.
The logic is:- "The Pope bans Catholics from using condoms. People follow this in Africa - ergo Aids spreads in uncontrolled fashion and the Pope is to blame."

[Let us put aside at the outset the fact that whether people use or do not use condoms is no business of the Pope as there is no Christian basis for this prohibition.]

What twaddle the average leftwinger spouts! If sinning Catholics decide to go against major Church teaching on sex being for within marriage, is it likely that they would then embrace the relatively minor teaching on contraception?
Another scintillating example of leftwing logic from the guardianistas.

LINKS: Catholic view. Leftie view on John Paul ii.

A Church in Crisis.