Sunday, August 13, 2006

Educational failings.

We may no longer be an actively Christian nation, even if in the past, that only ever really referred to shared values. Nonetheless, Judaeo-Christianity is our heritage; our history; our culture; our birthright. It is appalling that children are taught so little of their nation and how they fit into this. To have a full grounding in what Christianity is, is a simple entitlement.
Schools are failing their charges. Nobody is asking for indoctrination - that does not even occur in the Christian School where I teach! Children, as part of a fully rounded education, should have learnt the major stories of the Old Testament. They should know the stories of The New Testament and should know what the claims of Christianity are. These perhaps should be taught neutrally which means that it would be appropriate to teach to those from all faiths or none.
In a Christian School, we teach the Faith more directly but it is also to children from Sikh, Hindu, Moslem and Chinese religion backgrounds. Admittedly their parents have volunteered them into a Christian based environment but it works - and in a more diluted form would do so in state schools.
BUT of course, the liberal left are out to destroy Christianity and, through the education system, they are trying to starve it of of relevance.

It is reprehensible that schools kow-tow to multi-faith agendas before children have the first idea about our historical faith. The assumption is made that all religions are quaint but dangerous rubbish. These people are wrong and MUST be challenged!


This historic village in the Lakes is still ‘the loveliest spot that man hath ever found’ . Beloved by Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, t...