Saturday, May 10, 2008

Barrie must be heard! Yorks Post today.

From: Barrie Frost, Watson's Lane, Reighton, Filey.
SELLING Britain's gold reserves at a knockdown price; raiding pension funds of £5bn each and every year; imposing penal rates of stamp duties on house purchases; applying swingeing inheritance taxes on family homes; introducing so many stealth taxes they cannot be listed; wasting billions of pounds on consultants, quangos, failed computer and military systems; heaping praise on our troops then failing to provide proper equipment and medical care; professing to sympathise with the plight of flood victims but ensuring a windfall in VAT receipts from flood damage repairs is grabbed; allowing the fiasco over late farm payments to continue; profiting in huge tax revenues from high fuel prices with no concern for the haulage industry; reneging on the promise of a referendum on the EU Reform Treaty; abolishing the 10p tax rate and penalising the lower paid; ensuring council underfunding would make council tax bills double; encouraging mountains of red tape, paperwork and bureaucracy both in private and many key industries; allowing uncontrolled immigration; waging a war in Iraq; slavishly following every daft interpretation of the Human Rights Act; presiding over cushy prisons and spiralling gun and knife crime; refusing to finance more prisons.No, Mr Brown, it's not just a couple of recent political blunders or other world problems which has resulted in voter rejection, but it is more than a decade of mishandling of Britain's affairs by the Government, in which you had a major part, which has led to the judgment by the electorate.

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