Thursday, June 12, 2008

DWP report.

If the government report from the DWP is correct that, East Europeans are NOT taking British jobs because of 'issues around basic employability skills, incentives and motivation' of our own workers - so what?
Whose fault is that? - Not only that of this government and the former, but all leftwingers are to blame.
They will not allow the workshy to be forced into work. Those of us who have worked for a lifetime are paying to subsidise such people and it is morally wrong.
Bevin, Bevan and Beveridge did not envisage this fiasco when the welfare state was set up.
Within our own borders, welfare dependency is arguably the biggest problem we face as a nation and the left wants matters to continue in precisely the same way they have done for generations.
NEVER let anybody tell you that the left is 'about fairness' - coz it ain't!

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