Thursday, September 25, 2008

You cannot afford not to be scared.

Hitler's Enabling Act, Article 2 of March 1933 stated that "Laws decided by the government of the Reich may deviate from the provisions of the Constitution."
Thus was Hitler enabled, completely legally, to take absolute power in Germany - and of course once this was done, the Constitution was ditched - and the rest, as they say, is history!
Blair's Civil Contingencies Act is our mirror image of Adolf's successful ploy. Clause 22 (3): "Emergency regulations may make provision of any kind that could be made by an Act of Parliament or by exercise of the Royal Prerogative."; and may (clause 22, 3 j) and may disapply or modify an enactment or a provision made under or by virtue of an enactment." November 2004.

Watch this be used, not only to curtail civil liberties but also to facilitate further sellout to Brussels.

Please feel free to think that either 'it doesn't really matter' or 'our politicians aren't as unpleasant as the Nazis were, they would never .... '. But do please remember that ALL powers granted WILL be used when it suits somebody's purposes to do so.

Thanks Jane.

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