Saturday, November 15, 2008

Maggie wouldn't have done that!

For all her many faults, I think it fair to say that Margaret Thatcher will be very kindly treated by history.
Perhaps it is very the fact that she attracted so much opprobium from the left that makes us recognise that she must have got most things right!
She took the courageous, unpopular decisions because they were the right ones - a true conviction politician.
She got the big decisions right, broke the back of the marxist unions by democratising them, standing up to them where necessary, and at the same time, turned our sick-man-of-Europe economy into a success.

When she took over, the economy was in the same kind of mess that a decade of socialism has brought us to today and her tactics were diametrically opposite to the ones being used by Brown today.

'Spend, spend, spend' did not work for Viv Nicholson and I doubt that it will work for Brown, especially as it is based on criminal levels of borrowing.

If anybody told a couple who were in debt to spend and borrow - we would laugh in their face.
And the difference is ...?


That News Warms My Heart.

Pro-abortion group pays over $186K to settle campaign fraud claims. By  Ryan Foley , Christian Post Reporter  Monday, January 06, 2025 iStoc...