Friday, November 28, 2008


A Sikh man who wanted the right to wear a turban while being photographed for his French drivers' licence has lost his case in the European Court of Human Rights.

We have to go back over thirty years to when the British government capitulated over the issue of Sikhs not wearing crash helmets because of turbans in order to see a similar situation.
Common sense dictates that the law should not be bent to accommodate people where that law has been enacted reasonably.

Surely, the issue in both cases is whether or not the matters of riding a motor cycle or being permitted to drive lies within the conscience of each individual. Most assuredly, they do have a choice.

You may either drive or alternatively can refuse to remove your turban for a photo - in which case there will be the consequence that you may not drive.

The reason why this wretched court is right for once is clearly because they dare not allow any loopholes which may be used by applicants for licences who 'must wear the burkha' for identifying photos.

That News Warms My Heart.

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