Saturday, November 01, 2008


Regular readers may be a tad surprised by my reaction here to Redbridge Council's ban on smokers fostering children.
In this instance it is too easy to make claims of 'health fascism' - particularly as this is expected rapidly to become national policy.
BUT, my support for smokers' rights is a quite separate issue. Smokers have no rights to inflict their smoke onto others, least of all onto vulnerable children.
If the would-be foster parent is seriously interested in taking on disadvantaged children, then stopping smoking is a price they reasonably must pay.
However, it is when these politically correct zealots start pursuing those who have the occasional smoke outside the confines of the family home where we will best be able to tell their true attitudes.

That News Warms My Heart.

Pro-abortion group pays over $186K to settle campaign fraud claims. By  Ryan Foley , Christian Post Reporter  Monday, January 06, 2025 iStoc...