Thursday, November 27, 2008

When you think the stupidity can go no further ...

We now have The Youth Restorative Disposal. This is the next piece of utter piffle to emerge from the ASBO stable.
Yobs will escape court for a variety of serious offences if - wait for it - if they apologise.

Perhaps the authors of this lunacy may care to explain just how they are going to know whether the apology is heartfelt or genuine!

I can assure them that the raucous, piercing laughter, echoing that heard outside so many Youth Courts after a feeble disposal, will definitely be heartfelt!
These sickening do-gooders are now sold on the idea of 'restorative justice', 'meeting the victims', 'personal apologies' etc.
Have they no grasp of human psychology whatsoever? This is all simply deemed to be WEAKNESS by the average yob.
It is one more example of being tolerant of appalling behaviour.
They have had nearly 60 years to prove that their approach to crime works and have failed at every step! - So they offer more of the same. Unbelievable!
Test runs are taking place in various counties. What are the odds that every one will 'prove to have been a resounding success'? Then of course, we shall see these introduced nationally.
Naturally the tiny percentage of claimed successes will be trumpeted from the rooftops.
Making yobs apologise in schools hasn't worked with all but the tiniest of numbers - why should it work on the streets?
Just what is it that makes these witless buffoons hate the concept of punishment so much? Is it that they are unable to grasp any concepts of righteousness whatsoever?
I predicted what would happen with ASBOs and was proved right. Sorry to sound conceited - but I am right AGAIN!

That News Warms My Heart.

Pro-abortion group pays over $186K to settle campaign fraud claims. By  Ryan Foley , Christian Post Reporter  Monday, January 06, 2025 iStoc...