Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Born BC?

It has long been recognised that the 6th Century monk, Dionysius Exiguus, calculated the birth date of Christ's birth quite badly and that Christ had to have been born BC.
Now scientists tell us that the date is likely to have been in June, 2 BC.

Historically, 4 BC looks a better bet, though.
If the older date is true, it will lengthen the time of Christ's Ministry which has previously been considered to have been about three years.
It also makes Jesus older than the 33 postulated - which makes much sense as he was otherwise rather on the young side to have been accepted by the populace as a legitimate rabbi.

Tom Harris Puzzled By Jess - Understandably!

  She has made a name for herself as a champion of women and girls in the face of the threat they face from abusive males. It was in this ro...