Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Bruges Group.

It has long been a tactic of the EU apparatchiks to claim that our contributions to Brussels are quite small - AND that we get half of that back anyway.

The dishonesty of this posturing is breathtaking, particularly when they come up with annual figures of £3 - £5 billion annually.

Even I would have to admit that that was not particularly expensive even though I still fail to see why you should pay in order to be made subservient to a malevolent foreign body.

If you buy a cheap car for £100 - does that mean that you have accomplished free travel, or may you also have to pay tax, insurance, parking, petrol, MOTs and rather hefty bills for the inevitable repairs?
The true figure - which may be viewed on the Bruges Group website is in excess of £55 billion!

Tom Harris Puzzled By Jess - Understandably!

  She has made a name for herself as a champion of women and girls in the face of the threat they face from abusive males. It was in this ro...