Thursday, December 04, 2008

I'm not sexist - what about the feminists?

I am fed up with women getting special treatment and then asking for more of the same.
Any salary shortfalls they have, have been clearly explained by interrupted career patterns.
Let us consider:
1] Women get equal pay at Wimbledon although they only play 60% as much tennis as the men.
2] Could a man take 5 years out of his career to look after his young children and then return to work with his chances of promotion unaltered as if he had never been away and had not lost experience and updating? In many firms and government agencies - women can!
3] Height restrictions were dropped in the Police so that small and slightly built women could be employed. Many ladies of larger build can look after themselves. The more slight cannot and need the protection of men. Smaller women will frequently not be sent out alone where a larger man would. This person then earns as much as her overburdened colleague!
4] Physically weaker people have now been taken into the Fire Service. A system exists where a slight woman of limited strength will be employed ahead of a man of greater strength.
5] Women get the same pay and apparently greater promotional prospects in the Armed Services - yet have different standards of fitness. They are not required to take on front line duties. This is a terrible discrimination against men.
6] Women 'cherry pick'. How many 'dustpersons' are female? 1%, maybe? How many sewage workers? How many road builders?

The examples are many.
My boss is a woman - no problem! My last Head of Department in a comprehensive was a woman - no problem.

I at least, am actually, profoundly NON sexist. If women can do a job as well as a man - good luck to 'em! If they are not receiving special treatments then they deserve equal pay and promotional prospects. Otherwise, STOP THE DISCRIMINATION!

Tom Harris Puzzled By Jess - Understandably!

  She has made a name for herself as a champion of women and girls in the face of the threat they face from abusive males. It was in this ro...