The group describes itself as 'egalitarian' in its aims which is of course, code for 'leftwing'.
It is stomach-churningly careful to complain only mildly over anything to do with religions other than Christianity but pitches itself into headlong attacks against the One True Faith at every opportunity.
[It is perhaps unsurprising to learn that the appalling Professor Richard Dawkins is a vice president of the BHA.]
So why do I use the word 'arrogance' in the context of this group? -
Quite simply, if I describe a dozen instances of where God has proved Himself and worked in my life as a counter to their campaign of misinformation, what will I get?
In a sickeningly condescending manner, I will either be referred to as 'a liar' or perhaps worse, 'deluded'. It will be assumed that I am incapable of rational thinking and have at best, 'misinterpreted' the 'alleged experiences'.
When you belittle my experiences on the grounds of an unsubstantiated and utterly unprovable belief system - what other word can be used?