Saturday, August 29, 2009

Moral differences.

I hope you agree that I always try to be factual in the opinions I put forward on this Blog but today I shall respond to a situation with a 'gut reaction'.
I look at the attitudes put forward by 'ordinary people' and I note that the majority tend to want 'the punishment to fit the crime'. In this, nothing has changed over the last forty years or so.

I contend however, that there is a genuine distinction which can be made between then and now. In days of yore, there was a practical base to this, of course, but there was also a moral portion which wanted 'right' to triumph and this feeling ran very deep.

Today, I see school parents prepared to make phoney excuses for children; those who write notes to defend misbehaviour; the ones who take the word of their mendacious offspring over school staff who have actually witnessed misbehaviour - thus effectively calling them liars!

I know of parents who have lied to shield children from the consequences of their actions and of one who said to a staff member "Well, I am not going to grass him up."

These same parents will want, indeed demand discipline, but not when it applies to their own.

So, have things changed? - OH YES!

Blessings To All Who Follow The Saviour and May All Who Do Not Know Him, Meet The Lord, Face To Face, This Christmas.

                                      THE CHRISTMAS STORY. The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-5) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word w...