Sunday, November 22, 2009

Back to peppered moths.

Michael Majerus, evolutionist extraordinaire, has restudied and repeated Kettlewell's peppered moth observations from the 1950s in a doomed attempt to show that these truly do demonstrate evolution in action and should therefore silence uppity creationists.
Oh dear.
It is almost embarrassing to note the consummate ease with which John Mackay utterly destroyed his hypothesis:

"All he has proven is that birds will eat whichever moths are easiest to see, and that leaves the less visible ones alive to breed. This is natural selection, but it is not evolution."

For those who do not quite get the point, there is no new genetic information; both types of moth existed 'before and after'; there have been no changes whatsoever to the pattern.
Schools continue to proffer the said critter as a categorical 'proof' to vulnerable schoolchildren.
Such teaching should carry a government warning - and there are countless identical issues which are taught as 'fact' when scientifically and demonstrably wrong.

