Friday, November 27, 2009

"Domestic violence is wrong."

Every school will be taught that "Domestic violence against women and girls is wrong."
How very silly it is all getting! It is just one more on a lengthy, politically-correct list of specified 'wrongdoings'; from 'attacks on homosexuals' to 'undiluted racism'.

If we had proper Christian teaching in this country - we would have no need whatsoever to categorise, list, redefine, explain and specify what bad behaviour is. We would all just automatically KNOW what is right and what is wrong!
Violence is wrong. What is so very difficult about that? Why channel it into a category? Why is the same level of violence 'more wrong' against one victim as opposed to another? Surely, the only exceptions in the thinking (?) should be for the 'profoundly vulnerable'!
And yes, I know that things were not perfect in the days when we were nominally a Christian nation - but they were nowhere near as bad as they are in our recategorising modern age!
