Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Maladroit, eh?

'Alan Johnson yesterday admitted the Government had mishandled immigration and that it is placing a 'strain' on jobs and services.
The Home Secretary said Labour had been 'maladroit' in its approach to the issue.'

LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1224704/Government-mistakes-handling-immigration-admits-Alan-Johnson.html#ixzz0VmFEE2TU

After the revelations this week that the opening of borders was entirely deliberate, we must ask whether Mr Johnson is apologising for the current disastrous situation; treading on our inbuilt culture or the 'spitting in the face' of democracy.

I do not want an apology. These people have been warned and warned. I want immediate action!

1] The immediate deportation of all illegals.

2] The immediate deportation of all recent immigrants who have committed indictable offences.

3] The immediate closing of borders to all non EU residents except for family visits and tourism - monitored as was the case in the past.

4] The immediate deportation of all failed asylum seekers.

5] Notice given to Brussels that we are retaking control of our borders and they can like it or lump it!

6] No more unskilled immigration whatsoever, from any source, for at least five years.

7] A campaign waged against students who have outstayed their visas at the end of their courses.

8] No entry to anybody - footballers included - if we have sufficient skills already in the country.

9] No stealing of qualified medical staff from Third World nations - it is an abomination to natural justice.

10] Records kept of who leaves the country so we might have some idea of what is going on!
