Saturday, November 21, 2009

Climate change? - Yes cooling!

'Piers Corbyn a solar scientist from Weatheraction is researching variations in charged particles from the sun and claims they are almost entirely responsible for what happens to global temperatures. Meanwhile, Don Easterbrook from Western Washington University has studied the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and found strong correlation with warming and cooling to global temperatures. The global cooling from 1945 to 1977 coincided with one of a cold Pacific cycle and the warming that occurred in the 1980s and 1990s correlates with a warm cycle. However, the cycle has now changed, and according to Easterbrook, "The PDO cool mode has replaced the warm mode in the Pacific Ocean, virtually assuring us of about 30 years of global cooling.'
Global warming is a scam!

Thanks due to Creation Research.
